Actifit daily report card showing only 113 activity

Actifit bug (or possible anti-cheating feature)

By TheBalanceGuy | Holistic Balance | 27 Jun 2022

This is a little 'heads up' for anyone who is using actifit as part of your move to earn strategy.

When you are submitting your daily report, make sure you do it well before midnight.If you begin before midnight, but the clock passes 00:00 before you submit, you will get an activity count of approximately zero, nothing, zilch!

To make things worse, the app will crash if you attempt to submit the activity from 'yesterday', and you will not be able to submit another report for 'today' either. Effectively this costs you all your activity for both days, so make sure you submit those daily reports early.

I've been caught out by this a few times now. At first i thought it was an issue with my phone maybe running out of available memory or something. By now though, i have had the exact same thing happen consistently in the same set of circumstances, which is why i say it's a bug or feature.

A small detail in an otherwise excellent app, and once you are aware of it, it's easy to avoid my mistake.

Stay active!


**This information is also posted to my hive blog at, where you can also find complete home workouts for running, abs, and mobility.**

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Holistic Balance
Holistic Balance

Balance is dynamic, it moves and is constantly adjusting to react to the situation. The purpose of this blog is to help you with the tools, tactics and strategies to maximise your returns on time and money invested in your health and fitness.

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