Shitcoin Adjusted Total Rate of Return for Bitcoin for 2017-18

Cryptofans we love ya! The total ROR of the model bitcoin portfolio must be adjusted upward to correctly include  the 2018-2019 spin offs of Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin Gold.  The hard forking, coin splitting antics of Bitcoin sweetened the Bitcoin portfolio returns by an additional nearly 300%! 

From August of 2017 to November of 2018; all owners of Bitcoin received Bitcoin Cash, followed by Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin Gold.


Anyone holding a Bitcoin on 1/1/2017 started the year around $900. Running through to 1/1/2019 a final price is around $3,800, a sweet return of over 300% over a two year horizion. 

But wait, there's more!  what money does this!  Add on  $14 for Bitcoin Gold, $1,590 for Bitcoin SV and $160 for Bitcoin Cash ending on Jan 1st, 2019. That is an extra $1764 of magical internet money.  Add that to the price of Bitcoin on Jan 1st 2019 and we have a final altcoin adjusted price of $5,564, which makes the real total return of bitcoin over 600% ! 

Of course, those alt-coins turned out to be pretty weak.  Bitcoin SV is pumping a bit.   But the Bitcoin Cash shares following the all too familiar price graphs of the whale game single one time pump and drop with Bitcoin Gold ( now DOA, dead fish on the beach)



The life stories of Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Cash.  Which is which?  Who cares, we say.  Frankly  some purist folks consider all of these altcoins to be such horrible ideas that they refuse to contaminate their wallets and lives by accepting them at all. 

On the other hand, an omniscient trader could have dumped the free altcoins at the top of their individual peaks, pumping the model portfolio ever higher.  Even more more, if the model trader was a perfectly timed toxic bitcoin maximalist, some of the Bitcoin rise would be included for still extra  amazing returns.  Or for the model portfolio just mailing it in,Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV are riding the post apocalyptic world at numbers five and six by market cap, be proud and be loud.

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Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer

National Merit got this punk rocker to Oberlin, and Wall Street fintech gave up world tours and an NYU MBA. I am a Bitcoin true believer. Bitcoin is deeply revolutionary in a way we always prayed tech would be. Keep the baby Faith!

Hi, I am Dave, and I just got hooked on crypto !
Hi, I am Dave, and I just got hooked on crypto !

After decades motorcycling in NYC to work on Fintech and play punk rock, I just woke up to Cryptocurrencies and fell in love like never before! Blogging for the hell of it while learning my way through this awesome, deeply revolutionary evolution in money. Join us while we laugh and flip off the central banks and their currency debasing governments! Stack sats to the Moon, Lambo, don't reck, FUD, FOMO, wild wild west, bless Satoshi!

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