Funniest crypto June 1st

Cryptonauts we love you!! Thanks for hooking up to ride for laughs for a better crypto future!! 

What do we get for crypto funnies today? Here's one- CZ says Binance has a wall street like program of laying off non performers all the time!!  Called "bottom out."    somehow this caused the FUD alarm to go off again & CZ had to cry out FOUR again !! fbadf81787a2db0bc7dd156fcb325d49adb58b0cf9ff165b37b4baec198faa21.png efe9caf668a8fb80035b36fbd1e858cb1c5e98d71074d1594ad525fb978938d3.pngTLDR: YES  CZ, yes, ya should change the name ah HA HA HA HA!! 

Here's a leftover funny from Bitcoin Miami we missed.  Some artist sold a loaf of bread for half a BTC!! why?  cuz it's ART MAN!! 

d969df12e774ba25306f5daef21c6efdc57433a51dbb8bbe0dd070b5a44b35c7.pngTLDR: yeah, and there was a Ledger baked inside with some sats stacked!! 

Pretty funny.  How much BTC ?  we don't know, cuz it was ART about THE PERCEPTION OF DESIRE!!  ah ha HA HA HA!!  well, can we find out was it pre-baked?? Where are the keys!!  What is that thing the model is touching ?? Why a half mask?  so many questions.... but all FUNNY.  Hey it's just some "bread" ah ha ha ha

Here's a funny article.  It's about the "blue chips of DeFI." 2d78e79e92a9f8a98fbf8bb673c141d62d58584fe121e3284bb8795c156b8d9e.pngTLDR:  Decrypt talking about the "blue chips of defi!!"  AH ha ha !  Now we have widened our studies of chitcoins by a LOT, but, wait, no.  Sorry.  The DeFi market is down SO FREAKING MUCH!! what 85%??  WHAT the #($#*$ is a DeFI blue chip!! By definition!! ar ar ar! 

It's funny, Decrypt two years ago listed TEN DeFi blue chips ah ha ha HA HA HA OUCH OW!! TBF, today Decrypt only mentions Uni and Maker.   1cb0765ae703b660b82c36884fb8db1681fad8bb27191f3e46e66ea071435530.pngTLDR: so now staking yer ETH gives a better return than staking a defi chitcoin?? yow that's gotta hurt !!??!!?  if yer a defi believer which we mostly ARE!! 

Wow, we are old enough to remember Maker as a wild shot in the dark!!  Uni is down 90%!!   So is Maker ah ha ha "blue chip." Uni is still a top 20 coin tho. 

But the OTHER "blue chip defi's" Decrypt talked about years ago?? 

omfig, we need appropriate reading music for this carnage TLDL the street of broken defi coins. Hey, member when Yearn was worth about  the same as BITCOIN AH HA HA HA!!! 

AAVE was number one!  Now down 91%!!   Sushi was #3 - down 95%!!  Maker #4, then Compound down 96%, Curve CRV down 95%,  Synthetix SYN down 92%, and last ( eighth) place to YEARN.  So, those who lost ONLY 90% are the KINGS!!! the ah ha ha blue chips!! 


Multichain remains funny!!  tho many in the community claim to love and defend it, others are GTFO timing it 


When CZ says HK doing crypto is a big deal, the Chinese state press changes their story!! the world shakes!! 

When Justin does the same thing?  MEH!! af98bd8ee9f54500eb4af9779e0be983b622eca67a4a362379b18462ce2e9468.pngTLDR:  ah ha ha ha!!

7492b950d39d4fde52ae1d3bef6c974ddc981eb2c2453f7488aa4c24769d8663.pngTLDR: we should NOT laugh.   LItecoin just turfed TRON out of the top 12, but still the ultimate chitcoin is  a #15 top coin!! 


OK cryptonauts, we gotta sleep! Love you, take care of yourselves!!  Please recruit another to your mighty watch army member we ride at daybreak!! 

Peace out, love


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Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer

National Merit got this punk rocker to Oberlin, and Wall Street fintech gave up world tours and an NYU MBA. I am a Bitcoin true believer. Bitcoin is deeply revolutionary in a way we always prayed tech would be. Keep the baby Faith!

Hi, I am Dave, and I just got hooked on crypto !
Hi, I am Dave, and I just got hooked on crypto !

After decades motorcycling in NYC to work on Fintech and play punk rock, I just woke up to Cryptocurrencies and fell in love like never before! Blogging for the hell of it while learning my way through this awesome, deeply revolutionary evolution in money. Join us while we laugh and flip off the central banks and their currency debasing governments! Stack sats to the Moon, Lambo, don't reck, FUD, FOMO, wild wild west, bless Satoshi!

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