Kolobok Giveaway Results

Just a quick follow up to my article from last week (which can be found here: https://www.publish0x.com/gaming-critiques-commentary/kolobok-review-xrnoknm), where I noted that readers could submit a WAX address in a reply to enter to win a breeding pair of Koloboks for the game.  Since there were only two entries total (jxhbc.wam and .gjb4.wam), I decided that they can both win :D  So, congratulations and the Koloboks have been sent!  



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I write, mostly spoiler free, reviews and articles on games of all kinds.

Gaming Critiques & Commentary
Gaming Critiques & Commentary

The aim is to provide unbiased, mostly spoiler free, reviews and articles on games of all kinds. I try to add two new articles, or reviews, a week. They should appear sometime on Monday and Thursday night.

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