FT Crypto Watch Dec 5th

Do you love crypto?  If you do, we love you!! And we thank the universe of the Publish0x for this time we have together!! Reading music then:TLDR: don't know of ANY live Dukes video lol!  not counting moles from the ministry. 

Changing the crypto fabric of the FT, one true blue click at a TIME Army!!  Good on ya! Watch, Kiss, Shrimp, whichever army lol. 

In print today in the pink lady: all apps are social apps now. 0555be52b69ee871087d66bdbf2bc414bacd83baadc84344770833d390fc9eeb.pngEven ones that used to be private!! Once two things happened:  one, people realized if everybody apes in on their trades, it's GOOD for them!! & two d'ya know the clicks you can get talking about trades that used to be private!!!  TLDR: Harjas from Shares is focused on this.  Retail trading used to be a lonely single person experience, lol!!! 

Some article says FOMO is the new irrational exuberance.  Now the world must FUD or FOMO on getting back into China.

Next in print:  An Exclusive for the FT!! 

Groundhog day ja VU all over again!!  Who do we hate?  Sammy!! Who do we have to see EVERY DAY then!!! 

It's funny, the FT even PRINTS that everyone from crypto knows not to do an interview with the FT cause they will be NASTY!! 

But Sammy's doing the carefully crafted talkshow image rehab / prefab tour.  So he weirdly sets up the FT exclusive oh man, why. 21abf4821a6af1506940156354e7dfed3364a9b11965bd6dd6f26761c55decd5.pngwhat's that 3 AM beach time is maybe 8 PM london time?? Why, so weird, hoping London will be drunk?!!??!!  TLDR: The FT thinks Sammy showed  a bit more involvement in Almeda than previously admitted.   Blah blah blah, he effed up, he doesn't feel good about being unable to answer questions, regrets, chitty answers, thirty second pause for dramatic effect with his head in his hands.  He didn't know he was 10 billion overdrawn on his misappropriated funds, wait maybe there was some meeting. 

The FT says some say Sammy's fall was just youthful bungling.  Others say that's implausible. 

The REAL story:  Sammy knew full well all the illegal, unethical and incompetent things he did.  He & only he ran Almeda AND FTX.  Maxine is his pal though, so like Corzine, he will be fine, Brian and Mikey N. are wrong about that one.  These lies, pretending he is not doing it on legal advice, are just BORING !!! BOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRING!! 

ONLINE!!  It's very funny, we did not know!!! Circle gave Sammy 10.5 million dollars for no good reason!!!  Then dear readers know we love to laugh at Circle for self-censoring anything that ever got close to Tornado cash!!   Then their market share crashed, that was awesome, man!!  NOW: Circle fails to go public!! a14702fb1eff03811634f00087a51007ac742de0bb2a122df49d07cf3d087a18.pngTLDR: CIrcle WAS gonna go public for 9 billion on the stock market!!  Circle's market cap fell from 55 billion in June down to 43 billion, because "investors pulled out of the market (sic.) "   FTX nixed the Circle deal !!! bull#@$($#&(*!! 

The REAL story:  QUIT LYING FT !!! WE WANNA RETRACTION!!!   Here's USDCs 180 day print for market cap, which is all that ever matters if ya don't break the peg: 3377f9ba104bd165d7812d13085b24e8cf710f8b831e452e3390f2c4850fb438.pngTLDR:  Dear readers know USDC's market share slide was ALL about Circle censoring USDC even WHEN THEY WERE NOT ASKED TO!!!  Notice, market cap was FINE thru July, the slide was CAUSED by Circle shooting themselves in the FOOT in early August.   What about the lie that it was just investors fleeing the market??  Well, here's direct competitor BUSD over the EXACT SAME PERIOD: 7fe7e22da397467bb04add89fc7b878dd32433ce19f6556be8d44e63bf19cbd8.pngTLDR: BUSD chilled along until USDC pulled their nonsense in August.  Then, BUSD RIPPED UP five BILLION in market share!!! Quit lying, FT, it was NOT investors fleeing the MARKET, they were fleeing USDC. 

The judges will only allow one FU to be awarded for this lie.  We strongly disagree & override, not to THREE like we WANT, but two out of five FU's for this.  Maybe a real journalist who was not blinded by hate for crypto, especially  hate for the non-virtual CBDCs, might mention the real reasons for market cap action.  We can dream!! 

Online, finally:  Lex weighs in with more 100% pure anti-crypto narrative!!  The echo chamber that is FT crypto hate loves repetition: 467388b2ec08c57f62fdfbced52b596b2002d5b78c7628a1a46058c17cd3dec8.pngTLDR: we already heard this exact story, the FT praying for signs that all crypto will just go away!   Here Lex says that the FTX death is a test of faith- DO y'all BELIEVE that the collapse made the industry stronger?   Well, numbers go down for BTC, for Coinbase stock, and for Coinbase bonds.  

Even here, LEX has to admit Coinbase has five billion in liquidity, and as a regulated US public company, Brian can't even dream of HALF the chit Sammy pulled.  Still, to Lex coinbase bonds are down from 95 cents to 55 cents on the dollar.  This makes them "relics of a bygone era."  

The REAL story: Ya wanna see relics of a bygone era, take a look at the UK's pension funds, gilts, anything priced in Sterling, which hit a 100 Year actually ATL this year.  8b3ac2cbb86dfc77d18073f45fd1e4252d0c34f6c307cf7fb67ff84106c678f1.pngTLDR: coinbase bonds went down less than 50%?  sounds GREAT AH HA HA!!  Gilts and UK corps went down to 2014 levels.   That would put BTC around $200 bucks a coin.  Chant with us:  QUIT LYING FT!!!  Who's a wall street wannabe?  The City is dying while in Paris, 250 Binance employees buy some really nice fashion and eat quite well EVERY D_MN DAY!!! 

Yes, yes we DO believe Sammy exiting stage left makes the crypto sector stronger.  Sammy was a lot worse than a false prophet.  Sammy played the perfect politically correct con man with his squeaky voice polyamorous guanxi contribution pre-bribing all the folks now investigating him!!  Actually nothing COULD go more wrong than that, we are already there.   Was Sammy on a mission to make crypto look as bad as possible?? We lie, more wrong still to come is Sammy never seeing jail time for felony co-mingling funds.

Prediction:  Bryan & Coinbase fulfills his bond market obligations.   Have an FU, FT!!!  Judges have to agree. 

OK beloved crypto fans!! That's our daily love letter to y'all and to crypto, and that's our daily crypto agitprop dose of financial Pravda decoded, depacked, denied, delaughed at, deboooooonked ar ar ar arooooOOOOOO!!!  Hey did we mention crypto winter is ovah?? 4af592476be748512768cd2d3e76b21e29d55567a80b9600a901158d368a658f.pngdon't ask us ask litecoin! 

Take amazing care of yourselves, thanking you for being here!!  It matters. 

Peace out, love


ps plz refer a friend: ambassador link: https://www.publish0x.com?a=WZdPKv2bKg


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Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer

National Merit got this punk rocker to Oberlin, and Wall Street fintech gave up world tours and an NYU MBA. I am a Bitcoin true believer. Bitcoin is deeply revolutionary in a way we always prayed tech would be. Keep the baby Faith!

FT WATCH - the Financial Times on Crypto!!!
FT WATCH - the Financial Times on Crypto!!!

The WSJ turned into USA today - which leaves the FT at the top of the heap for serious financial news! Join us for a semi-serious monitoring of the FUD & hate the FT now showers on crypto. Dear readers know we love that pink newspaper but boy howdy does the FT despise crypto--- it's funny. The old guard always fights the new guard. The FT does it eruditely, with misleading comments, fun graphs, and outright lies (usually) attributed to crypto's greatest enemies!

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