Excelencia's TheComparisonStatsSeries 22 : one year ago(2022) and yesterday Sunday, July 23 2023.

By excelencia | excelencia | 24 Jul 2023

Yesterday one year ago(2022) it was a saturday...  and also  day 108 of Excelencia's TheDailyStatsSeries...       


and yesterday, also July 23  but in this year 2023 ,it was Sunday...and also day 22 of Excelencia's TheComparisonStatsSeries... 


Sunday's July 23 2023 most tipped post, and for the second day in a row,

written by Publish0x PRs | Publish0x Press Releases, was:

Click in the picture below to open the post:     


Todays monday Excelencia's recommendations for 2 great posts to read:

  • 1.Especially if you like to program and to earn a decent amount of $BAN in this competition!:

written by banano | Banano:

click in the picture beliow to open  the post:



  • 2. f5b51e312069e0ccd9397a256ad4dca7d4b5d569742602102c9904fe34a4a5b0.png


Stay alert for following episodes and thanks for your attention, likes and tips.

Cheers and may You all have a wonderfull monday today!


                         Photo by SJ . on Unsplash


See also Excelencia's:  

ThePredictionSeries: Overview February 2023, with links to the eight 100% tipped February posts!

Follow Excelencia's TipsForPublishersSeries

Follow Excelencia's TheCryptoComparisonSeries

Follow Excelencia's TheExperimentsSeries

Folow Excelencia's TheDailyStatsSeries

Follow Excelencia's TheEarningsReportingUsersSeries

Follow Excelencia's ThePredictionSeries


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