WAX Blockchain - Passive earning

By TrocProcLock | Earning that Crypto | 3 Nov 2024

Look I am not going to sugar coat it. The WAX blockchain has seemed to be hibernating the last year or so. There is still stuff going on there and a bunch of projects and all that so it's not dead or anything BUT it has appeared to be less active than in the past. It doesn't help that major projects like TACO has started to utilized other blockchains as well.

That being said in this WAX Crypto Winter, I have been looking for new games or projects to play or with with or on. I want to keep my crypto life as busy as it was so I am constantly stopping projects I don't see a good ROI in and also starting new ones that look promising.

I have started to truly utilize the passive earning capabilities on blockchains. If you don't know me by now, my claim to fame is that I have invested zero fiat into crypto. Everything I have is from earning online in various ways. So to me this is all 'fun money' until one day I have a big enough nest egg of digital 1's and 0's to cash out and make the taxes worth it lol.

I am going to go over a few passive earning options on WAX and why I choose them or why I stopped using them.

TACO https://swap.tacocrypto.io/ 

If you have some $TACO or $SHING or really any WAX based token pretty much this is a solid place to start. There are M.E.A.L. pools and S.A.L.S.A. pools you can stake in and earn rewards daily. I do like that you can just stake it and forget it and claim it whenever you want. You can also choose which tokens to claim. So say you earned WAX and TACO and SHING from the staking pools, you could in theory just withdraw your WAX if you wanted to. 

But there is no reason to not withdraw everything because leaving it there doesn't compound your earnings unless you claim and then stake those earning back into the pool.

The only downside to the TACO staking pools is that sometimes they end. There has been times where the TLM/WAX pool has ended and I freak out a little because I can't find it where it normally is. When that happens basically your staking tokens (TLM and WAX in this instance) basically just become a liquidity pool with no real rewards. You just have to dig a little more to find the liquidity pools to unstake your tokens, or just leave them and wait for the pool to restart.. assuming that it will.


HONEY https://nfthive.io/honey 

This is a token made by the NFTHive people. You can earn $HONEY from buying NFTs on the secondary market from their site. You then can stake that $HONEY and earn portions of all sales. 


Now if full disclosure I am heading away from staking my $HONEY here because of the previously mentioned crypto winter on WAX. Staking Honey here is great when there is a ton of activity on the secondary market. More sales = more fees collected = more rewards for you.

I remember back in the day when I was earning daily rewards in like 5-10 different tokens because of all the drops going on that accepted various tokens and what not. It was a fun time. But now for staking my 230 $HONEY I get about 0.25 WAX per day on average (give or take obviously). It's not a lot when you consider that the 230 HONEY is worth 360 WAX at time of writing. 

WaxFusion https://waxfusion.io/stake 

I believe this is made from the people/person who made WaxDao but don't quote me on that. Basically this site is a way to stake your WAX and earn passively. If you don't know for WAX, you need to stake some WAX to the blockchain to basically let you perform transactions (it's called CPU). As your perform transactions it will eat up your CPU, but your CPU will auto regenerate constantly. But the more you have staked for example, the more free transactions you can perform each day. 

And when you stake WAX that way you earn a teeny tiny amount when you also vote for Block producers / Proxy votes. If you don't vote you start to lose your voting power and earn less rewards. This is hard for me to remember to do so I always end up forgetting. But utilizing WaxFusion I can just earn passively and not have to think about claiming every day which is AMAZING. 


There are 2 types of staking at WasFusion. You can stake 'liquify' which will give you $lsWAX or you can stake normally which will give you $sWAX.

Basically if you stake and get lsWAX you will not earn passively each day. What happens though is the exchange rate for lsWAX continues to grow so its like a saving account or sorts where when you withdraw your earnings months from now or years from now that lsWAX will trade back into more WAX then you initially invested. I know it doesn't sound that great but it also lets you use that lsWAX for other purposes. You can pay for things in lsWAX in theory. You can add it to liquidity pools, etc etc.

The other option is to get sWAX. That is kind of the normal staking process I think we are all accustomed too. You stake X amount of WAX and you get X amount of sWAX and you earn daily/hourly rewards because of it. You can then withdraw those earnings as WAX, sWAX or lsWAX. so its a win win situation. 

Currently I have 50 WAX staked as sWAX to test it out and I am earning 0.058 WAX per day.



This is an oldy but a goodie. Alcor is an exchange for WAX tokens. You can swap your tokens around and that means there are liquidity pools. But there are also farms there as well. So for example I have WAX and WUF in a liquidity pool on Alcor but there is also a farm for it as well. So I am earning various tokens every second from that farm that I can withdraw anytime I want.


Based on that screenshot you can see that I earn 2,666.6668 $WUF each day and those other 3 tokens as well. Its an easy way to earn for tokens you may have laying around.

Now there are many other options to earn passively on WAX. I am not going to get into all of them. These are just the main 4 I am working with right now. Also the APR % in the screenshots may be different by the time you check them out so please do not go off of my screenshots for what the rates should be.

Let me know what passive earning things you use on WAX and any really good ones that I missed. 






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I am a crypto enthusiast and also a crypto noob :) Just trying to learn more each day.

Earning that Crypto
Earning that Crypto

I was one new to crypto and was looking everywhere on how to earn different types of crypto and wish I had a central location to go to for information. Now I am trying to help those that come after me and make it easier for them.

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