

A blog that speaks about science, a passion that has accompanied me since I was a child. My goal is to spread scientific culture all over the world, starting with cryptocurrencies.

Why blockchain technology will replace fiat money and why crypto investors can rest easy

9 Sep 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Lucasgaio

"All man's actions are based on money because man evaluates his work and that of others precisely through money. For this reason, everything that is produced, good and bad, lasting and transitory, is nothing but vanity" A bit of history. This is a p...

An Italian Crypto Podcast

29 Aug 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Lucasgaio

Everything in the world of cryptocurrencies is important and knowledge must be disseminated at any cost. Unfortunately, this is a world that is still little known and disinformation is depopulated, especially when the topic of cryptocurrencies is tre...

Strengthen mental activity in trading

27 Aug 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Lucasgaio

Trading, as we know, is a job that involves the use of time and memory skills, as well as a good dose of attention. To this is often added a large amount of hours spent in front of a computer, or in any case in front of a monitor, to check graphics....

Blockchain & National Health System

25 Aug 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Lucasgaio

The world currently has technologies that in 2020 we can define as "advanced". It seems stupid, but sometimes cutting-edge technologies are developed but not applied in areas that are required and that could reach unimaginable levels of development....