

creptocurrency related blogging

Blockchain Solutions!

29 Aug 2020 1 minute read 1 comment cryptomaniacsgr

The US exchange Coinbase and its subsidiary Airtm have partnered with the US government to distribute $ 18 million. The amount was allegedly confiscated by the Maduro government from 62,000 Venezuelan health workers. Yes you read correctly, the US g...

MicroEarning sites that will help you increase your HP

26 Aug 2020 1 minute read 1 comment cryptomaniacsgr

Obviously I am referring to people that have small stake and looking for ways either increase their #HIVE stake or just dive into the cryptoworld and got their first cryptos. Of course those sites not limited to those with small HP, everyone can use...

Use your POSH right

25 Aug 2020 1 minute read 0 comments cryptomaniacsgr

I guess that everyone here has a Twitter account (even a forgotten one) and even if he don't i suggest to make one, it will take less than a minute and can help to bring awareness about our beautiful and evolving community. You see i wasn't a tweety...

Rising Star a game that i never speak before

24 Aug 2020 1 minute read 0 comments cryptomaniacsgr

I've been playing Rising Star for some time now, the reason that i never mention it before is because of the time spent there was quite limited (doing missions once in awhile and basically no progressing at all). It's been a couple of days since I'v...

What would you Do?

23 Aug 2020 1 minute read 0 comments cryptomaniacsgr

If someone for his own reasons gift you 1 Bitcoin with with a unique term to spent it all to some other projects? a) Are you willing to buy #HIVE? b) If you do, how much will you spent on Hive? c) Which other project did you believe that worth to inv...

Dumping my last TRX for some Juicy Verge (XVG)

22 Aug 2020 1 minute read 1 comment cryptomaniacsgr

Awhile back i was one of those who believed that TRX might be a very promising asset for investment (it still is but not for my liking's) that's why i hodl some to my portfolio, due to Justins hostility against our former steem community and his poli...

Learn Crypto, Earn Crypto in CoinmarketCap

18 Aug 2020 1 minute read 0 comments cryptomaniacsgr

It seems that my Senpai @trumpman can find and offer some worthy stuff except shitty ones (he is well known as shitty investment promoter), so in his yesterday post (full linked looks better)

BTC ruckus and the runner-up's

31 Jul 2020 1 minute read 0 comments cryptomaniacsgr

Everyone speak about BTC's performance and how well it doing, well its pretty normal i guess BTC is the King after all. But it's not only BTC, if BTC is the King then ETH is the Queen of cryptos and queens are always more flexible(in Chees the King i...

Keep on Staking and waiting for my vacation

29 Jul 2020 1 minute read 2 comments cryptomaniacsgr

Keep on staking, that's my MOTTO and that's what i'm doing for a long time and voila, 220 leo was added to my account making it 12.5K strong! Though i'm doing my best to be active on the platform the truth is that i'm struggling keep up, i really nee...

Could this be what are we waiting for?

28 Jul 2020 1 minute read 0 comments cryptomaniacsgr

Well I'm not sure but looks very bullish right now, i believe that the 12k is critical point, if BTC manage to overcome that obstacle I'm quite confident that will hit 14k with ease. So the next hours/days seems to me very interesting for all cryptos...