

I am pretty new to Crypto, but I am learning steadily. There's a lot to learn, but here is where I share the articles and information I have found most helpful, insightful and that others can benefit from as well.


17 Nov 2024 1 minute read 0 comments TheRuneLion

Someone always has to go first, check the footing, see if things are safe, scout-ahead/blaze the trail. the 'Canary in the Coal Mine'. here are some things I have been testing for a while and feel confident enough about to make mention of them....

A Phone 4 Adventurers & Klutzes

11 Nov 2024 1 minute read 0 comments TheRuneLion've likely never heard of them. This is NOT an Affiliate post, just something to make people aware that ruggedized phones do exist. However, they build phones that stand up to day-to-day treatment and then some. Worried about dropping you...

Privacy, Politics & Progressive Fascism

11 Nov 2024 1 minute read 0 comments TheRuneLion

It's no secret we're seeing Fascism creeping steadily forward across the world. There's all manner of covers it's being done under such as 'protecting children' and 'protecting Democracy'. Protecting Democracy... stifling and silencing any and...

Eye-catchers for your Phone

24 Oct 2024 1 minute read 0 comments TheRuneLion

As my days of doing Physical work are well and truly done...and will be missed, I must avail myself of other avenues with which to remain active and engaged.I still have a functioning brain and access to assorted technological resources with which to...

The Fallacy of FRIEND

13 May 2024 1 minute read 0 comments TheRuneLion

Polygon is better known and more trusted.MATIC is again better known and trusted than FRIEND.FRIEND might well have a high price, but that means it is LIMITING inclusion, discourages people from involvement as people like to save money.BASE, I have n...

Trudeau's Stalinist Canada

6 Mar 2024 1 minute read 1 comment TheRuneLion The Nazi Government of 'canada' is very busily trying to rush Bill-C36 into law. Why? Because it's Lil' Hitler's wettest dream come true...

Trudeau's Nazi Canada

28 Feb 2024 1 minute read 1 comment TheRuneLion

Normally, I stay away from anything Political as I find Politics in-general to be Low, Disgusting, Criminal and unspeakably Vile without any redeeming qualities.This certainly falls into such categorization, but is so over-the-top that I must speak o...

Crypto & Science-Fiction

28 Nov 2023 1 minute read 1 comment TheRuneLion

Science Fiction, for the most part--especially Space-Fantasy and Space-Opera sub-grenres--always ignores Currencies beyond some handwavium 'Credits' and some-such nonsense that is never given an underpinning structure in the story-universe.  Star Tre...

Perspectives; Crypto & Provincial Sovereignty

22 Nov 2023 1 minute read 0 comments TheRuneLion

 THE TRUE ALBERTA ADVANTAGE  For Alberta and the other Provinces that constitute 'Canada'  to have a better future in all respects, they MUST leave the absolute Fraud that 'Confederation' has been proven to be.  Alberta sends an average of 12 Billion...

Elon's building a Social Credit System without people knowing.

23 Jun 2023 1 minute read 2 comments TheRuneLion

Is this the secret masterplan that Elon Musk has with Twitter,?What does it have to do with the rollout of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) or an equivalent blockchain based technology and why did he hire that World Economic Forum Lady as the...