Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Game Updates

By logen9f | Crypto and play2earn | 6 Aug 2024

Hello Splinterlands Summoners! Welcome to another edition of Social Media Challenge.

My Progress Last Season

I ended the season in Gold League again and I was able to save over 40,000 Glint. I would have used this to purchase reward cards but due to an upcoming update I decided to save the Glint for later.

Splinterlands One Click Rental


One of the new features Splinterlands implemented was the one click rental. This is so convenient for players to rent a whole set. I have been using peakmonsters to rent my cards and it takes me a long time to rent a complete set. This feature is especially useful for new players coming into the game. They can just rent a whole set and start playing competitively. On the other hand, the offered sets are just for Bronze League only. I hope that in the future there will be sets for at least Gold League. It's more fun to play when you can use the full power of the cards.

Splinterlands Rewards Cards Update

On 15th August the old reward cards will no longer be distributed and a new rewards set will be introduced. This is the reason I saved my Glint--to prepare for the next rewards set. I have only seen a few of the reward cards but no doubt they are good and have new skills to make the game more fun.

My Favorite Battle Last Season - Deathblow for the win!

Here is an amusing battle from last season. The ruleset was Noxius Fumes and my opponent picked a team around Quora with two monsters having the Martyr ability.

I picked the Death Splinter but I have nothing other than Cursed Windeku's Heal to survive the Noxious Fumes ruleset. In round 3, my opponent's Quora was supercharged by two Martyr ability buffs after both monsters were eliminated. It was further buffed by Bloodlust after she eliminated my tank. I was expecting to lose the battle but was saved by Dhampir Stalker's Deathblow ability. It reduced Quora to just one health and was quickly eliminated by the rest of my team.

Deathblow ability allows a monster to do twice the damage if their target is the only Monster left on the enemy team. This is one ability that is very situational and not meta changing but in this case was very useful. This is what makes Splinterlands a fun game in my opinion.


Link to the battle: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_f4dee1937372852f46280654a46dc81e&ref=logen9f

Thanks for reading and have fun playing Splinterlands!

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