BlockArcade - DApp Overview

By Chriss | Crypto Addict | 31 May 2020


Friends and fans of Arcade Games, this Dapp available on the IOST Blockchain is made for you.


It will bring back good memories, the time when we went to rooms full of Arcade Games, with a surrealist atmosphere, and something for everyone to enjoy.


It is in this Nostalgia that this young team of passionate people has developed BlockArcade


Currently you have access to 3 games, but more will be coming soon.

  • Quantum Raffle: Buy your ticket, and try to win the jackpot, you have the choice in 2 Raffle modesSmall PVP & Medium PVP
  • Stock Wave: One of the great classics of this kind of games, be as fast as the machine to try to win the Jackpot.



  • Crypto Run: Get behind the wheel of a Ferrari, a Lambo or a Turbo, break the lap time recordcollecting some TIX along the way. You can practice on the free mode "Rookie" before challenging the best among you.



As soon as you start having fun on these great Arcade Games, you'll accumulate TIX


The fun part is that you can invite your friends to join BlockArcade, and earn 10% of the TIX they earn.


You also have the possibility to join the BlockArcade VIP, which is a Staking Pool, you will be able to Stake all your TIX Tokens, to receive even more as a daily reward. Then you will be able to exchange these TIX for IOST at a ratio of 10 TIX 1 IOST. Check this exchange list



Have a Fun.


You can check this Dapp on DappStats 

Christophe WILHELM


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