3 Things To STOP Doing For A Healthy Vegan Diet!

3 things you need to stop doing if you want to have a healthy vegan diet!

Number one, cut out all of the super processed, fake, frozen, garbage, junk vegan meals, and replace those with meals that you’ve prepped that are based on whole food ingredients.

Number two, get rid of all those added oils. We don’t need all that oil. If you want fat, you’re going to get it from a whole food source like avocados or hemp or chia seeds.

And number three, stop discounting the importance of protein in your diet. So when you have a higher amount of protein, you’re ensuring you’re getting all those building blocks, those essential amino acids that your body needs to perform optimally.

So if you need more help making the transition to being a very healthy vegan, you need my plant-based power recipe guide.

So drop me a message with the word ‘RECIPE’ to my email [email protected]
and I’ll send you the guide over so you can get some high protein plant-based meals that make you feel so satisfied.

Much love!

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Conscious Fitness

Bryan Bell 💪 Certified Personal Trainer 🥑 Plant Based 🦵I help you get fit, healthy, and strong using your own body ⬇️ Join My 90 Day Fit Transformation!

Conscious Fitness
Conscious Fitness

Dedicated to bodyweight and functional movement, as well as plant based nutrition! Certified Personal Trainer and Online Fitness Coach.

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