Forbes Acknowledging The Potential Of Blockchain, integrates Web 3.0 community dashboard

Forbes Acknowledging The Potential Of Blockchain: A Lesson For Traditional Media

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 5 Feb 2024

As we all were busy witnessing the euphoria surrounding Bitcoin ETFs, Forbes, a leading global media company calmly stepped into the world of Blockchains and cryptocurrencies by  integrating a web3 community dashboard on its platform. While this transformation definitely marks a shift from Web 2.0 for traditional media, it also embarks a journey where many others will join

It wasn't long when Forbes would oblige much more to the anti Bitcoin narrative and had published reports based on baseless criticism. There seemed no stopping of this narrative until the media giant realizing that their immense popularity had been sliding rapidly. Also realizing the reason, Forbes made distance from anti Bitcoin narratives.

Forbes, ultimately a business, didn't want to lose a rapidly growing community that would only consume what's tagged with Web3, leaped into the zone of Web 3.0 within less than 2 months. 

Forbes started to integrate web 3 in Mid November last year and finalised it with the integration of web3 user dashboard in mid January 2024. 

For user engagement Forbes, first partnered with Galaxe, a leading web3 credentials data provider to build web3 communities, and for wallet services, it chose

How To Join Forbes Web3 Community

Users can easily dive into web3 at Forbes and it's all thanks to Onboarding web3 elsewhere can still be quite difficult but at Forbes users can easily do it in a few clicks.

User Onboarding process for Web3 Community at Forbes

After clicking on 'connect wallet', users just need to connect their email with and a wallet is ready for you to join Forbes web3 community. Users can easily manage their wallet anytime from the Forbes web3 dashboard itself.

Rewards for Joining Forbes Web3 Community

As Forbes has mentioned that they are entering a new era of Web 3.0 where users will shape the future, take part and be rewarded for their efforts. Here's a screenshot what they are offering-

Perks from Forbes when users join their exclusive web3 community

A Lesson For Other Media Giants:

Undoubtedly, Forbes has paved the way for other media houses to rethink their stance on the growing popularity of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and web3. It's a matter of time when these will prevail and what we have currently will become stagnant. I highly doubt that others will follow the same suit as Forbes as early as possible so as to keep pace with the industry. This will culminate into web3 becoming much more accessible and popular.

My Personal Views

If a media house, as big as Forbes, is strides into a new a developing zone, means that's something is highly appreciated. There are high chances that web3 will be everywhere in coming times. Forbes has definitely set a precedent for other news and publishing giants by taking a leap into web3. 

By integrating the web 3.0, Forbes has decided to mark the milestone and sems commited to provide an ultimate educational experience to its users at Digital Assets dashboard. Web3 has marked its advent in mainstream business and it will only grow from here. Is Web 3.0 still confusing for Mainstream Adoption? A straight answer from Forbes is - 'hell no.'

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