$DOGE spike again!

By xuanling11 | Crypto Learning | 29 Jan 2021


As I wrote this post, DOGE is hitting 470% increase! It is at the overbought territory. No sure how long it will continue.

It spikes are closed correlate with recently hype stocks like $GME and $AMC.


Are we hitting the moon this time?

I think market has forming a bubble and we will see how it goes!


You can reference my previous Bitcoin analysis here:

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-07-21📈

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-08-21📈

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-09-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-10-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-11-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-12-21📈

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-13-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-14-21📈

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-15-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-16-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-17-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-18-21📈

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-19-21📈

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-20-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-21-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-22-21📈

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-23-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-24-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-25-21📈

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-26-21📉

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-27-21📉

You can reference my Bitcoin methodology here and here.


You can reference my previous Ethereum analysis here:

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-07-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-08-21📉

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-09-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-10-21📉

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-11-21📉

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-12-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-13-21📉

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-14-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-15-21📉

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-16-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-17-21📉

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-18-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-19-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-20-21📉

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-21-21📉

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-22-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-23-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-24-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-25-21📈

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-26-21📉

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-27-21📉


You can reference my previous Dogecoin analysis here:

Doge Analysis 12-28-21📈

Doge Analysis 01-01-21📈

Doge Analysis 01-02-21📈

Doge Analysis 01-11-21📉


You can reference my previous Cryptomarket forecast analysis here:

Crytomarket Weekly Overview and Forecast 01-15-21 to 01-22-21🔥🔥

Crytomarket Weekly Overview and Forecast 01-22-21 to 01-29-21🔥🔥



Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any cryptocurrencies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 24 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose cryptocurrencies are mentioned in this article. This information is only for educational purposes.

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Check out https://www.xuanling11.com/.

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