Most sought after commodity

Ö | Bitcoin

By Bayarizard | C.A.S.H. | 17 Aug 2020

It's time for my fourth Crypto Activist StakeHodling profile: Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin Cash ... and maybe Bitcoin SV? Nah :P

... but first, here's that lovely link that leads to discounts on gas, sign up bonuses, etc :) ... *Aherm* Let's get into it shall we?

C.A.S.H. principles

  • Crypto fundamentals & technical analysis
  • Adoption & User Experience
  • Staking (Token Value & Utility)
  • HodL positions & projections

Crypto Fundamentals & Technical Analysis

At time of writing BTC's Market Capitalization is around USD$218.5 billion, ranking it 1st with a 58% berth dominating the overall Cryptocurrency market. Approximately 18.4 million BTC are estimated to be in circulation, out of the 21 million hardcap; It's currently trading at USD$11,837 ¹; according to, the DEX with the highest trading volume, is Binance with the USDT trading pair, to the tune of over USDT$556 million traded by midday CST.

On the subject of Bitcoin Cash though (which is trading at $303.66 ~0.0256BTC) ² I want to look into what Goldman Sachs, one of America's top 4 largest Banks, listed not too long ago trying to decry Bitcoin as an asset class ⁴:

1. Bitcoin does not generate cash flow like bonds.
2. Bitcoin does not generate any earnings through exposure to global economic growth.
3. Bitcoin does not provide consistent diversification benefits given its unstable correlations.
4. Bitcoin does not dampen volatility given historical volatility of 76%. Goldman points to March 12 when bitcoin fell 37% in a single day as evidence that bitcoin's volatility is through the roof.
5. Bitcoin does not show evidence of hedging against inflation. 

Instead of wasting time on discussing that ... list ... I want to zone in on something they said around the same time: that from their perspective -- and probably the average joe oblivious to Crypto -- is true ...

 ... three of the largest six cryptocurrencies are forks, or nearly identical clones - bitcoin, bitcoin cash, and bitcoin SV." ⁴

The divides between Satoshi Nakamoto, Roger Ver and any other influential voices -- that see Bitcoin as something to believe in, rather than simply invest in -- will continually recur as Bitcoin's price skyrockets ... and Bitcoin it will split/fork again and again, confusing many and making millions rich overnight; after all, Ver pushing Bitcoin Cash after being "Bitcoin [Core] Jesus" for years is a prime example.

Most probably have heard about Bitcoin's touchdown of ~USD$20,089 on December 17th, 2017; but fewer know about Bitcoin Cash's all time high of $4,355 three days later² -- or really care for that matter (it is super important, I touched on it with Goldman Sachs POV, but I'll go into more depth later);

A quick trip down memory lane for those who remember, Crypto Nick ... or these lovely fellows at Hashflare:

Cloud mining

I just want to note that the Bitcoin bull-run that we're currently in -- and yes, if you didn't know, for both the stock U.S. market and Crypto, we are in a bull-run -- may lift all boats with the rising tide. Where Hashflare (pictured above) failed, Genesis Mining is still thriving.

Entire marketing agencies can operate with BAT, profiting from token speculation, interest accrued on idle assets and from using it as a marketing tool in substitute of cash thanks to TAP, Uphold and the Brave Project; ¹³ gamers no longer have to wait for competition for mega prizes nor bet on every game (causing unnecessary stress and relationship strain in the process) -- instead they can stream, watch and support each other while doing what they love from the comfort of their own homes thanks to the Theta Project ... the list goes on ... and will go on, because the Online Economy has turned on [and can turn back off without much notice] :)

For those who don't know what I'm getting at: it's that Bitcoin right now is many things ... including a brand; and as such, since I cannot technically buy a full Bitcoin [Core] right now, my next best bet is to sit on Bitcoin Cash until it finally reaches 5 figures.⁴

PSA: Bitcoin Cash has the same interest rate, loan-to-value rate, many of the same availability on Exchanges as Bitcoin Core, and later this year it's getting added to CFTC futures contracts ⁵ -- so it literally IS a cheaper version of Bitcoin right now -- I hope readers of this make their own sound decisions concerning this; because I don't know much about the Ethereum Classic vs Ethereum debate [yet] ... but I feel like hopes, dreams and trust probably shouldn't be in a financial asset.


Adoption & User Experience

For those who are wondering about jobs paying Bitcoin: I won't dwell on it, but a link is in the resources below.⁶  I should also mention Mt. Gox.⁷, the Silk Road ⁸, Bitconnect ⁹, OneCoin and other debacles, but I'll just link starting points in the resources below :)

Now back to the points I started earlier with Goldman Sachs and point of views; if U.S. traders (which includes me) start speculating & driving up the price of the cheaper version[s] of Bitcoin -- doesn't necessarily mean Bitcoin Core will drop in price or go obsolete -- it means FOMO will drive parabolic returns for anything with the name Bitcoin attached to it; technically, yes, I'm saying even Bitcoin Gold & Diamond have another chance to moon.

Since my plan is to collateralize at all-time highs rather than sell ... it means once prices come crashing down, my BCH will be backed by stablecoins or equivalent investments estimated to be 35-40% of the ATH I collateralize at :)

Buy low, collateralize high, and diversify.

Also, it might soon be the end of the selling era of altogether, and the beginning buy everything and leave trading to bots and quants; a site that helps track arbitrage information might speed that along. ⁷

For visual learners concerning Bitcoin, I know I've already stated that I defer to Nick Merten, at Datadash but it's true.

He probably wouldn't agree with me on the subject of Bitcoin Cash -- but that's why we D.O.O.R.  :)

Staking (Token Value & Utility)

I used since the Fall 2017 to earn a whopping 4.5% compound interest -- and still technically do for about 100K Sats, but Blockfi and Nexo had me so split on their +5% compound interest, that I ended up moving most of my BTC off the site.

I can't say much about Compound, Celsius Network or besides I have accounts with them, and they earn interest. CDC being the exception concerning borrowing (and doling out their much more conservative and sustainable simple interest rates): all of the mentioned sites have Loan-to-Value rates between 30-40% for both Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Cash, which means lambos are out and buying houses, islands and supporting entire economies is soon to be in.
(PSA: Blockfi doesn't accept BCH as of the writing of this article)

Whether Bitcoin Cash has merit or not is currently a matter of opinion, but i hope I've provided enough resources for a sufficient starting place. 


HodL Positions & Projections

For those wondering about Bitcoin Core HodL requirements for entering the top 1% 

For context though, earning anything over USD$36,000 as of 2019 puts you in the global 1% too.

I've personally given away about 0.015BTC this year alone -- whether through paying for things or as gifts, yes I'll miss it and kick myself -- though it's also why I went ahead and started HodLing BCH enmass and making sure both are earning at least 5% compound per annum
(PSA: Spoiler, compound interest won't exist much longer for BTC; it's too scarce & fiats depreciate too quickly -- IMHO stablecoins will replace those interest payments)

My projections and goals are mostly captured here; but for entertainment purposes only, my honest opinion is that HodLing 0.1BTC and/or 10BCH (or more) will make me a millionaire within the decade.


SummaryLet the FOMO parabolic run commence and -- especially for those who don't know how to DYOR -- may the odds ... be ever ... in your favor :)

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A Crypto Activist StakeHodler trying to stabilize and grow the digital asset space one post and investment at a time. Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest: @Bayarizard


Crypto Activist Stake-HodLing (C.A.S.H.) -- keeping & collateralizing all that you earn -- gravitates others toward you; being the center of your own universe starts online, here with you

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