Day by day, the problem of forms of crime in the cyber world is getting more and more widespread. And with this condition of existence, each party further strengthens its security system. Know Your Customer or better known by its abbreviation (KYC), has become one of the consumer protection models for security language.
However, in the polemic of the presence of cryptocurrencies, the anonymous world may be preferred and stretched by every crypto actor and user. Where this anonymous language is a choice of freedom for users to use crypto as an individualistic choice. And of course, it is very contradictory to the condition of the presence of the Know Your Customer language itself. On the other hand, there is a problem with the existence of a language using Know your customers themselves, fear of being misused by irresponsible parties.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Not to mention the condition of the existence of a decentralized language, where a service that does not have a specific center is so promoted and highly glorified in the cryptocurrency system. Where the struggle for the word freedom means that it can still be shackled by very apprehensive conditions.
Back to the word security, it backfired itself. Where with this condition the hope is to protect the condition of the user as a victim of the crime that occurred. Unfortunately, it seems that it did not live up to the expected expectations. Where every cybercrime occurs, most users still do not get their rights in full.
Quickly and Freedoms
One of the things that concern the recent reality is the increase in one of the existing crypto exchanges where they are also added to the obligation that every user is required to meet the requirements for verification issues with KYC. Blocktrade as a crypto hive project market service provider adds to the bad image of crypto itself in the end. It might be a minus point this year with the condition of the regulation, where the word "Quickly" is no longer appropriate for the services offered.
It's a shame, but at least it creates a new decentralized service exchange for the project. So in reality, it turns out to be very difficult to fight for a decentralized, and security model that really fits the real needs faced by the general public. And this is the actual formation of the world model that continues to refer to the existing context of centralization and restraint.