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1 BTC Project - November 2024 Recap.

By 2MFTProductions | 1BTC | 2 Dec 2024


Bitcoin goes back to all time highs, again.

Rollercoin comes to term. 

A full year of shaking. 

Pi network going crazy, again.

A new member of my Shakesquad.


Shakepay resets shakesats.

ZeeBeeDee drops their ad payout

Articles this month:


Crypto Value Gained in March:

Gross Value Gained: 0.001407 BTC

Currency Paid: 0.000708 BTC

Net Value Gained: 0.000504 BTC

This is similar to buying at a 42% discount to the market.

This results in a per day earn of $2.02.

Top 5 Earners


1. Shake Pay

Paid - $0.00 CAD

Net Gain - $49.88 CAD

BTC Added - 0.000371962 BTC

They dropped their Shake Sat rate so my earning was lower and my fiat equivalent is lower, but its still the goat. Also I added another member to be shakesquad. At least for the last few weeks they appear to be active. So that is a huge win. 

This one is Platinum tier. The proof is right there. I am adding roughly $50.00 CAD in BTC every month. I would be so far behind in this project if I had not discovered the power of Shakepay. 

If you live in Canada use my link to download Shake Pay

If you buy $100 worth of Bitcoin we both receive $20.00 CAD in our accounts.


2. Rollercoin

Paid - $0 CAD

Net Gain -$26.15

BTC Added - 0.00019485

This was a test of will. A Herculean labor, but it paid off. I am thrilled that Rollercoin is a legit crypto source. Very slow, but the payouts are chunky. I am no longer including RC updates at the end of my monthlys, but I am including RC holdings in my totals. 

I am so so happy the Rollercoin is real. 


3. Bitcoin Miner by Fumb Games

Paid - $0 CAD

Net Gain - $6.30 CAD

BTC Added - 0.00004725 BTC

This remains such a hidden gem, and last month it got even better. Expect a blog post on that in December. With this new feature, Bitcoin Miner by Fumb Games will be in the top 5 until the app no longer exists. 


4. Receipt Hog

Paid - $0 CAD:

Net Gain - $4.83 CAD:

BTC Added - 0.00003635 BTC

For the first time since starting on this experiment I was able to cash my Receipt Hog earning in Bitcoin without having to wait for Cambly. I still love receipt hog, their bonuses are getting better, and I am getting better at logging my receipts. 


5. ZeeBeeDee

Paid - $0 CAD

Net Gain -$3.22

BTC Added - 0.000024

Like Shakepay, ZDB cut down their ad payments due to the rise in BTC's spot price. Fortunately this was supplemented by their daily poll bonus. I was not aware that if you string multiple days together you are rewarded with higher amounts of BTC. 


Rollercoin Holdings: 0.00000568 BTC - 3%

Another great month. A few big wins. My fiat spend was high, I was trying to activate a Coinbase reward. I don't think it worked which is a little disappointing. Over and above the Bitcoin I bought, I still added over $60.00 CAD in Bitcoin this month. It feels really good. There are still a few things building in the background. I have a good amount of  GoMining seems to be working again, maybe Pi Network materializes who knows?

I am happy with how things are progressing. Its going to get harder and harder to stack a significant amount of Sats, especially without forking out money. Take advantage of these avenues while you still can. 8 Years ago you could click a fountain and get 5 BTC. Now you are luck to get 5 Sats.

Just Keep Building. 

Upcoming Blog topics:

Bitcoin Miner by Fumb Games revisited.

Online Gambling (but without the risk).

Referral links if you want to start earning with me:

Bondex - A Cryptocurrency Jobfair.

ZBD Zebedee - An Earning Platform on the Lightning Network

Referral code: UWFARN

Rollercoin - Play Games, Increase Mining Capacity, Earn Crypto

KuCoin - 15 USDT for new accounts

Pay Pal - A bridge between online and offline money

Cambly - Teach English Online On Your Time

Receipt Hog - Monetize your receipts 

Referral code: zamp3695

Invitation - A depository for referral codes.

FireFaucet - Crypto Faucet

KuCoin - Crypto Trading and Lending Platform

Binance - Where I do my staking.

COINapp - Earn Crypto while on the go.

Cointiply - Crypro Faucet

Publish0x - You know what it is!

SWEAT Coin - Earn Crypto While on the move.

Pi Mining App - A daily crypto 'miner'

Coinbase - A Crypto trading platfrom


Shake Pay

Keep building!

As always you can join the conversation on Twitter @1BTCproject

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I have too much free time.


My attempt to get an entire Bitcoin while spending as little of my money as possible.

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