Why APEX is the Go-To Decentralized Exchange for Crypto Traders

By JanetWintsbit33 | Wintsbitblog | 3 Apr 2023

Decentralized exchange ApeX Pro has recently launched its ApeX elastic Automated Market Maker (eAMM), offering permissionless trading without the need for KYC and supporting a wide range of assets for decentralized derivatives. This revolutionary platform supports popular inverse perpetual contracts and ensures privacy of personal transaction data and activities while maintaining high standards of security.

As part of the launch, ApeX Pro is offering a monthly rewards pool of 1,000,000 $esAPEX to market makers with a maker volume of more than 2.5% of the total maker volume in the previous month. This incentivizes market makers to continue providing liquidity to the platform and ensures its continued success.

The upgraded protocol enhances the trade settlement capacity of the ApeX Pro DEX and reinforces the secure validation of every transaction on the platform. Users can easily deposit funds into their ApeX Pro account by sending a transaction to the Ethereum mainnet after connecting their wallets. ApeX Pro also allows users to deposit a variety of assets, which will be converted to USDC using 1inch's API on-chain liquidity, making it easy for users to access the platform and begin trading.

Moreover, ApeX Pro has created multiple asset pools on different blockchain networks, making it easy for users to trade on the platform regardless of the blockchain network they are using. As part of its launch, ApeX is offering promotions for new traders, retroactively giving away bonuses to traders who are active on the DEX. To qualify for this airdrop, sign up using a partner link.

Are you interested in decentralized trading without the need for KYC? ApeX Pro offers this and much more! 


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