Profits from Stocks in a down market - planning for the future NWBI

By steverobert | wealth concepts | 22 Apr 2024


NWBI - Northwest Bancshares Inc

223.44 shares bought at 12.35 now at $11.17 a loss of  $263.62 or -9.56%          

Lets look at the real numbers:

06/13/2022  15:52:07                              Bought 100 NWBI @ 12.3299                             -1,232.99

06/13/2022  15:52:07                              Bought 100 NWBI @ 12.325                                -1,232.50


So total invested $2465.49 divided by now 223.44 shares =equal a share cost of $11.03.  Seems profitable to me, not a loss.

The reason why I have 223.44 shares is dividend reinvestment.

Over the past 2 years this is what happened.

08/15/2022  12:52:22              QUALIFIED DIVIDEND (NWBI)            40         

Bought 2.695 NWBI @ 14.8409                                        

11/14/2022  12:58:03              QUALIFIED DIVIDEND (NWBI)            40.54  

Bought 2.724 NWBI @ 14.8815                                        

02/14/2023  13:00:10              QUALIFIED DIVIDEND (NWBI)            41.08 

Bought 2.911 NWBI @ 14.1117                                   

05/15/2023  13:15:23              QUALIFIED DIVIDEND (NWBI)            41.67 

Bought 3.911 NWBI @ 10.6547                                               

08/14/2023  12:51:36              QUALIFIED DIVIDEND (NWBI)            42.45 

Bought 3.584 NWBI @ 11.8452                                                        

11/14/2023  12:58:12              QUALIFIED DIVIDEND (NWBI)            43.17 

Bought 3.828 NWBI @ 11.278                                                           

02/14/2024  12:57:32              QUALIFIED DIVIDEND (NWBI)            43.93 

Bought 3.787 NWBI @ 11.6007


As you can see the lower the stock price the more shares are purchased with dividends.

So when the stock dips as they tend to do, the dividend buys more shares than they pay more dividends, that buy more shares.

It is not a get rich tomorrow method but a steady growth method that works well with good solid companies that have a history of paying their dividends.

So while it looks like a loss because it takes into account the dividend buys in the calculations, I look at what I invested and what I have now.    

NWBI 223.44 hares at $11.17 = $2495.82 - -2,465.49 = $30.33.

Not a large profit for 2 years but the market is in a down trend so when this stock returns to the $14 range I’ll be making a lot more on my investment. cointiply faucet link, only one I like so far

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