4 Easy Ways To Stay Healthy As An Entrepreneur, VitalyTennant.com

4 Easy Ways To Stay Healthy As An Entrepreneur

By VitalyTennant.com | VitalyTennant | 10 May 2024

As an entrepreneur, you’re constantly juggling multiple responsibilities, making it easy to neglect your health. However, staying fit and healthy is not just a personal goal, but a strategic move to enhance your professional performance. The reality is that success often comes with long hours, high stress, and constant decision-making, making it crucial to prioritize self-care. By ensuring you have the physical energy, stamina, and mental clarity to persevere, you can power through challenges and put your best self into your ventures.

4 Easy Ways To Stay Healthy As An Entrepreneur | VitalyTennant.com | VT Content #185.1Collect


Your body needs sleep to help it rest and recover from the previous day’s activities. If you’re not getting enough sleep, chances are you will feel drained and sluggish, have poor energy levels, and have reduced mental clarity, which can impact your ability to get the job done. If you’re serious about improving your health, you must commit to getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night and quit burning the candle at both ends.


Exercise is vital for both mental and physical health. Exercise is essential for building a healthy body, supporting muscle growth, and retaining mobility and flexibility. Plus, the more you raise your heart rate, the better condition your heart will be in. Aim to have at least 150 minutes of weekly activity to boost your heart rate and improve your mental focus. This can be walking out of the office instead of driving or even cycling in, taking the stairs over the elevator, or doing online workouts. You can also include supplements to help you boost your workouts, including creatine monohydrate, Ibutamoren Mesylate, protein, BCAAs, HMB, and more.

4 Easy Ways To Stay Healthy As An Entrepreneur | VitalyTennant.com | VT Content #185.2Collect

Meal Prep

If you find yourself grabbing snacks or fast food during your day because you’re too busy to get anything healthy, now might be a good time to look into meal prepping. It doesn’t need to be that you dedicate a whole day to making enough meals to last you the month, unless you can and want to, of course. However, simply making an extra meal in the evening that you can take to work with you, or eat at lunch the next day, is a great place to start. Using a slow cooker can allow you to throw your ingredients into the appliance before work and come home to a delicious meal. Alternatively, you can buy healthy macro-friendly meals that you have delivered to your home so you don’t need to cook or shop, simply reheat and eat to ensure you’re eating properly.



Being an entrepreneur means you are constantly busy, and taking time off to do nothing might not seem productive. However, it’s essential for your well-being. Taking 5 or 10 minutes to relax and clear your mind during the working day can help you reduce stress levels, think clearly, and give yourself a quick break. Implementing strict no-work policies that allow you to unwind at the end of your working day can help you relax and wind down in the evening. Activities like meditation, yoga, or taking a bath can also help you rest and recharge.

Remember, taking care of your physical and mental health as an entrepreneur is not a luxury, but a necessity. It’s not just about being proactive in your professional life, but also in your personal life. By prioritizing your health and wellness, you can enhance your productivity, creativity, and overall success in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

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