Watch out Zoom, Brave Together is Live!

By alberdioni8406 | S.O.S | 29 May 2020

With the recent data leak associated with Zoom video calls that routed customs info to China, Brave gave a step in and released they video streaming platform called Brave Together, with enhanced security in end to end video calls with 2 users and in Nightly mode they conduct a experiment with more number of users!

Brave browser focused in security and privacy with native Blockchain tool to protect intrusive ads, scripts, malware decided to get into video calls business and release the new Brave Together video streaming App built-in web browser more secure than Zoom with all condiments to make users more happy when making live video calls without worrying if they data is compromised!

The feature from Brave was released in a good time which almost all the world is quarantined and working from Home due to COVID-19, which took apps like Zoom to spike they audience and reached numbers never achieved before in video calls conferences around the world.

Zoom is the world most popular video calls platform used in web and mobile devices that's centralised and isn't Blockchain based like others such Chrome, Facebook or even Twitter compromise users data and can sell it to hird parties using users as products, Brave in other hand is Blockchain based with enhanced privacy that will take video streaming conference calls using Brave Together to another level in strong security in decentralized manner, using Internet.

It's time to Zoom to watch out from Brave Browser which offer incentive in $BAT tokens to surf the web also to watch non intrusive ads that who knows in future maybe do the same rewards program with Brave Together!

***Be protected from COVID-19 pandemic disease and stay Home.

**republished article find also on platform from my authorship.

**Image from pixabay with rights for commercial use.

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