Why you should and shouldn't get into Alienworlds as a new player

By UltraDec | Alienworlds | 4 Oct 2021

For this, I'll simply be making a pros and cons list of the good and bad things about getting into Alienworlds. 


So starting off with the pros:

-It acts as a faucet for TLM which can in turn be swapped to WAX on Alcor Exchange. Despite being low amounts of TLM each mine, if you mine frequently enough it will add up, making it a decent way for FTP people to get started.

-Even low tools can perform well with even legendary tools not being very effective (I talk about this a bit more here)

-There are events held by other communities on discord which do allow you to mine NFTs 

-If the developers do make changes and the game gets big again you'll have a headstart on other people


And now the cons:

-The mineable amounts of TLM are only a fraction of what they used to be. This is partly a result of more people playing the game but the bigger reason is that it Alienworlds is filled with bots which are constantly taking from the TLM pool.

-NFT mining has been 'paused' for months, taking away a vital part of the game.

-The developers haven't been doing enough about the bots which speaks about the state of the game.

-There are barely ever updates despite the game being filled with bugs.

-While low rarity tools can still perform well, you would probably need a Standard Drill to perform as well as possible which (despite being an 'abundant' tool) is currently 27.75 WAX ($8.36 USD) which would take a long time to purchase if your only source of WAX is TLM


While I am sure I've missed some arguments for both sides, my overall opinion is that the choice is up to you. When I first got into Alienworlds the amount I mined wasn't very much either but then the launch of TLM on Binance made it all worth it. While I don't like the chances of something like that happening again, anything is possible. Like I said Alienworlds is now essentially a faucet which is free so if you are willing to accept that then by all means go for it. I just don't want people to have a wrong impression of the game, whether it be from friends who were successful with the game or because it is has been known for being the #1 NFT game for a long period of time. I personally find that #1 rating simply false because such a large chunk of the player base is bots making the stats unreliable.

For anybody considering getting into Alienworlds I hope this helps and if you do choose to go ahead and get into it then I wish you good luck :)



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