water & pil!

By Legend53 | TURKİSHLEGEND | 26 Jul 2022

a sip of oil...!

yes: a sip of oil! today's scarce water resources reminded us of the "KOWBOY" movies of the 1950s-60-70s and even the 1980s. and the water struggle has now turned into a fierce competition! however, despite all the negative scenarios, I am of the opinion that "water scarcity" will not happen! The reason: developing technology and possibilities and capabilities can be shown. but I always worry about reaching the clean water source! The reason: the increase in the world's population, the rude use of water resources can be shown.
be "saint" like water.

Thanks for your time.

Photograpy Xiaomi mobil.

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I live in Istanbul. I am originally from Rize. My private hobbies: Cryptocurrencies, traveling, food, complementary medicine, fishing, driving. And I am writing for humanity as an amateur. (I'm never an expert)


Garfish Soup: (yummy) 4 cleaned garlics, 4 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 bag of parsley, chili pepper, black pepper, cori, ginger, and a tea glass of olive oil. Mix the onion garlic and parsley in a finely cooker pot with black pepper, black pepper, cori and olive oil and season. Leave to rest for 5 minutes. Spread the garlic in 2-3, add enough water in a frying pan and boil for 5 minutes. Take the fish without touching the water and separate them from the hair. Add the water in the pan with the fish to t

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