Check out Andrei Jikhn on Youtube!

By trumpman | trumpman | 27 Nov 2020

Andrei Jikh Youtubemin.JPG

Just discovered this Andrei Jikhn fella by this post from @rollandthomas and I must say I really enjoyed his content, which is mainly focused on finance, saving, getting out of debt, his personal success stories/strategies etc etc.

Apparently, he first started as a (not so succesful) magician so he always makes sure to show off a bit on his videos, and I must say the final result is quite enjoyable.. Despite all the affiliate links he sneaks in, usually with quite a humourous way :)

I have spend the past few hours watching his shit non stop and imo he is definitely worth a watch and a sub! Feel free to check him out at:

I will also try to ping him on twitter, who knows, maybe we get lucky and I get him to join leofinance. After all he seems to be a bit interested in crypto too so who knows! That would be nice. And bullish :D

Here's a random video from Andrei Jikhn to have an idea of what to expect:

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Posted originally at  LeoFinance

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