By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 16 Mar 2021

HELLO, out there in the world of Crypto & Bitcoin!

My name is Trevor Balthrop and today I wanted to share with you my Top 3 Altcoin picks!

"Well, Trevor, what would those be?"

Number #1


Yes, I am on the Doge bandwagon over here...


There is no denying the fact that Doge is SUPER affordable right now hovering around 5 to 6 cents.

With a $1 price target in Dogecoin's future, buying at current prices now would net early investors some monumental profits if it does!

The question for everyone remains,

"Will Dogecoin ever actually hit $1?"

As a matter of fact, it most likely will!

Especially if we consider how much traction it has been getting coupled with all the recent $1 price target rumors.

This makes for a bold case of whether or not to "buy the rumors" as they say.

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While Dogecoin may seem like a joke to some people.

The hardcore Dogecoin supporters and community are adamant about keeping up with its performance!

So even if Dogecoin revisited 9 cents or even shoots up to 20 cents.

Buying this low this early on will make for gains of anywhere from 50% if it hits 9 cents.

Or if Dogecoin hits 20 cents that is a gain of roughly 225%!

Deniers can hate on the Doge all they want I suppose, but as for me?

I firmly believe and can easily see how realistic a Dogecoin pump will be here soon.

Especially, given all the buzz, all the hardcore fans, and all the buying up of the rumors while we still can.

Number #2 Coin

trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum dogecoin influencer trader investor trading money manager earn author trevorbalthrop early investor adopter

Maybe you have seen advertisements or come across others who have spoken highly of's Coin CRO?

Maybe not!

Either way, you should not be a stranger to it after this.

This coin is not only getting ready for some really impressive gains.

CRO has also already made insane leaps in price recently sitting now at roughly 17 cents per CRO.

Several months ago CRO was just ranging between about 6 to 9 cents.

Making this most recent pump one that was worth the wait!

"Is it too late though?"

Absolutely not at all if you are planning on keeping CRO for the long-haul.

The price targets for CRO have now been set to 20 cents, 25 cents, going all the way up to 45 cents per CRO coin.

Even a jump to 20 cents would be enough to make some of us very happy investors!

If you're worried about accumulating Coin quickly, you came to the right spot because there are amazing ways to earn it.

Through's App, users are given options to Stake CRO while you hold onto it for a while. 

The best part about that is? It pays out weekly! 

On top of that though?

When you receive their Debit Card in the mail and start to use it for everyday purchases.

The app literally pays you back in the form of CRO rewarded almost instantaneously.

Right now I earn 5% on all my purchases at the current price of CRO!

If you're interested in giving it a try too, use my referral link here down below and you will get an additional $25 bonus for signing up.

Number #3


trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum dogecoin influencer trader investor trading money manager earn author trevorbalthrop early investor adopter

Long gone are the day's Chainlink (or LINK) traded around $9 to $11 a pop!

"But is it too late to get in on the LINK action early?"

Quick answer? No, not at all!

In fact, Chainlink has been sort of quiet recently as it has slowly made some early adopters very proud recently.

This could be seen as "Quiet Riot" in the sense that no news is Good news when it comes to Chainlink.

Although it might be wavering around $27 bucks right now, this sleeper coin has been gearing up for a long time coming!

It is still relatively affordable given how much it is expected to gain in the coming months and years ahead.

With current price targets at $50, $85, and $100, this could make for an easy opportunity to hold onto some long-term profits.

Mix that with the fact that Chainlink has already seen adoption from places like Google and how it has managed to stay in the top 10 on the charts.

You can bet your sweet booty this Altcoin isn't going anywhere but up anytime soon!

If you're looking to get your grubby paws on some LINK while you still can, the app has Chainlink to buy as well as Blockfi.

I personally recommend Blockfi for holding Chainlink due to the nice Staking/Interest bonus that they give you simply for holding it.

If you're looking to get set up with a blockfi account look no further!

Through my partnership with Blockfi, new users who use my link will get up to $250 for qualifying deposits.


Nothing beats buying the dips in a Bull Market!

As long as we are willing to hold onto it long enough and don't need to use it any time soon.

There will be some wild times in our future for those that are gobbling up all that they can right now.

I don't plan on missing this next Altcoin run and neither should smart investors like you!

My name is Trevor, and hope that this video helped you moving forward in the future!

Thank you for watching, reading, tipping, and subscribing! 

My name is Trevor Balthrop this is my signature and article!😬
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Trevor Balthrop
Trevor Balthrop

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