DAILY CRYPTO POLL w/ Trevor Balthrop


By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 28 Apr 2021

Hello out there in the world of Crypto!

My name is Trevor and today I wanted to help do a poll on Crypto & Bitcoin!

The goal for doing Polls like this is to gather more insight into SA or the "Sentimental Analysis" behind the markets.


(starts tomorrow!)

If you have a Twitter account you can participate and Vote by using my Tweet above! 👆

Polls last for 7 days!

One new Poll will be added daily so be sure to check Publish0x and/or Twitter for the latest.

No video from me today but I think these Polls will help me stay more engaged with the community.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter too!

My username is @Balthrop_Trevor.

A simple poll today to start things off! 

Will Bitcoin hit $100,000 dollars this year?

Let's get a pulse on how everyone is feeling about Bitcoin right now and get out there to Vote!

As always, thanks so much everyone for stopping by!

If you have any suggestions or comments never hesitate to message us down below.

I hope everyone has a BEAUTIFUL day in Crypto and I will see you again tomorrow 😎

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Trevor Balthrop
Trevor Balthrop

All about Bitcoin, Ethereum, VVS Finance, GameFi, the future of Blockchain, FinTech, understanding Market Connections, and helpful tips for all hodlers to enjoy!

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