THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE? by Trevor Balthrop


By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 9 Mar 2021

HELLO, out there in the world of Crypto Traders & Investors!

My name is Trevor and today I will be introducing my absolute most favorite Trading Platform of all!


trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum trader investor influencer advocate cryptocurrency blockchain trevorbalthrop

"Sound good! What is it, Mr. Trevor?"

Phemex is a Crypto Exchange similar to other ones we might have tried or heard of.


Unlike Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, etc. this exchange definitely gives users more "bang for our buck" compared to others.

I test out as many Crypto-related things I can get my hands on and Phemex has by far been the most fun and beneficial!

They have helped make my dreams come true of becoming a full-time Trader/Investor using Crypto and Bitcoin.

trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum trader investor influencer advocate cryptocurrency blockchain trevorbalthrop

"Okay, Trevor... spill the beans! Why is it the best for Trading?"

I'll tell you why!

1. Transaction Fees
The Phemex platform for trading offers the absolute best pricing available!Β 
In fact, they are one of the only places I know of that will pay you for being a "Market Maker" with Limit trades.
We don't even need to be a premium user to benefit from putting in Limit trades either!
Here is a screenshot of the benefits we get as a Standard and Premium user:

trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum trader investor influencer advocate cryptocurrency blockchain trevorbalthrop

2. Earning Interest Staking USDT up to 10% APY
Those of us that love to hold onto our Crypto can benefit big time with Phemex's Earn Coins service.
At the moment, they only offer USDT, however!
The USDT deposited can earn us either 7% in Flexible earnings or 10% in locked earnings.
Getting 10% for hodling USDT is HUGE and they even offer an estimated earnings calculator to make it easier to decide.
Here is a screenshot of how that looks inside of a Phemex account:

trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum trader investor influencer advocate cryptocurrency blockchain trevorbalthrop

3. Easier Leverage/Contract Trading
If we are new to trading or need a better place, it is highly recommended people try Phemex!
If you are a fan of Trading View too, you will love Phemex since they use Trading View as their graph for making trades.
Even better though, the view for Contracts trading allows us to easily see where your active orders are!
The cherry on top? Your trading dashboard can be reorganized visually by dragging, dropping, and resizing trading widgets.
Here is a screenshot of how Contracts trading looks:

trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum trader investor influencer advocate cryptocurrency blockchain trevorbalthrop

Bonus reason number 4?

Phemex now has DOGECOIN!

Dogecoin can be traded with contracts and a leverage of up to 20x making trading well worth the adventure.

As if it could not get any better than this, the team at Phemex is giving away Dogecoin to New Users that sign-up!

I am an existing user so I did not get to participate, however, if you don't have a Phemex account yet.

You are in luck!

Not only can you get my exclusive bonus of up to $600 to sign up for Phemex.

You can also join the giveaway right away and it will help us both out in this Bull Run!

trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum trader investor influencer advocate cryptocurrency blockchain trevorbalthrop

All we have to do is use my Referral Link below to get started and after that enter the giveaway 😎

There is a prize pool of 1,000,000 DOGE to giveaway so you will want to act fast to get into the pool before it ends!


When you use my referral link and make a qualifying deposit, new users can receive anywhere from $50 - $600 from Phemex as a bonus for joining.

This means you won't even need to use your own money to try out the platform!

Simply sign up, claim your bonuses, and start trading πŸ™Œ

Big shoutout to the Team at Phemex for making this happen to offer an awesome new opportunity to start investing!

Hopefully, this will help point others in the right direction for better Crypto and Bitcoin benefits.

Thank you tons for reading, be safe, and good luck out there Crypto people!

My name is Trevor Balthrop this is my signature and article!😬

I recommend using Phemex as THE Best Trading Platform in the market right now.
They are doing a deposit giveaway of up to $600 right now too!
Check out my exclusive referral link below for the details to sign-up and claim your bonus:

Get $25 after depositing $100 signing up for using referral code 2eweb7tamb
or this link πŸ‘‰ΒπŸ‘ˆ on your phone

The world's 1st Bitcoin Credit Card? Yes, please!
Use the link below to sign-up, join the waitlist, earn $10 in BTC for using my Blockfi referral 😎
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Bitcoin Credit Card Waitlist

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The best party online is No Party πŸŽ‰


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Trevor Balthrop

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