HELLO, ladies and gentlemen of Publish0x!
"What is this exciting News coming out for Publish0x, Trevor?"
Great question! 👆
Anyone's guess is as good as mine so I would love to hear about it in the comments 😎
According to the Payments section of Publish0x we are being teased at some awesome Publish0x News in our Future
I do not have a crystal ball and am not officially part of the Publish0x team
(although I wish I were!)
Seeing as how they placed this message in the Payments section.
It sounds like the exciting news has something to do with how payments will work!
Seeing as how it is exciting news to look forward to.
They are recommending we hold off on withdrawals until March 10th when they plan to make the big announcement!
Scouring the Publish0x articles today I could not find anything officially from the Publish0x team.
Meaning, as of right now, this is the only hint of anything we know so far about the upcoming News.
My guess?
It sounds like payments might be easier to withdrawal both for us and the Publish0x team.
That is of course only speculation!
Although, I think that is a safe and accurate guess as to what is in store.
I personally only withdraw once every 2 or 3 months maybe?
Except that I am not like other writers on here who might need to withdraw once a month or possibly even sooner.
If this new announcement helps out those that need it sooner while also making it easier for the Publish0x team to maintain.
I am all for it and welcome the good news coming our way graciously!
Big shout out to the Publish0x team and all the Authors helping make this website a better place all the time!
Could not be here without you and thanks to everyone who tips and comments on us in our everyday adventures 😎
More is sure to come!
My name is Trevor Balthrop and this is my signature and article!😬
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