bitcoin & crypto fears? think again!


By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 26 Apr 2021

Hello out there in the world of Crypto!

My name is Trevor and today I wanted to bring you this video about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Markets!

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More specifically, I wanted to address the current state of the market and where I feel like things are headed.

Now, of course, I have to preface the fact that I have no idea how to predict what is about to happen with Bitcoin or the rest of the market.

I am also not a financial expert of any kind so all advice should be taken with full warning.


My knack for Bitcoin and all things Crypto has me wanting to make videos to maybe help others through these confusing times.


Well, simply because if you haven't quite noticed yet!

Bitcoin's price is really REALLY high...

It just dropped from its all-time highs too!

It just dropped and the price of Bitcoin is STILL really REALLY high.

The sudden drop combined with all of the other dumb rumors floating around has caused a lot of fear.


Worst of all, it is making everyone feel like they are lost and don't know what to do right now.

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Well, I have great news for you!

This Bull Run is NOT over by any means!

There are a ton of fears that the top is in and Bitcoin's Bull Market has finally fizzled out.

That is NOT true!

There are also tons of fears that US regulators are striking the hammer down on hodlers.

That is also NOT true!

In modern-day times, it is now crazy for anyone to think that Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies are getting banned or anything similar in that nature.

Please, if you still think this way, my advice to you is to get with the times before you get left in the dust!

Okay so, now that we don't have to worry about that junk we can look at what IS true.

What IS true is that we are still in a Bull Run.

What is also true is that more new investors than ever have been flooding to exchanges despite what everyone is saying right now.


Another important thing to keep in mind is also shaping up to be true yet again.

That important thing is Bitcoin's Super Cycle!

Bitcoin as we should know is what moves the Cryptocurrency Markets and everything underneath it.

If Bitcoin goes up drastically, everything else pretty much follows along with Bitcoin.

The same is usually also true when the price of Bitcoin falls drastically too!

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(source = )

When Bitcoin goes through these Bull Runs, we have many historical references for how much the price of Bitcoin could potentially move.

One of these historical references maps out a familiar trend that cannot go unnoticed.

That is the importance of Bitcoin Super Cycles!

If you notice by looking at these Super Cycles over the course of Bitcoin's now decade long history.

You will notice that without fail every single time a bull run occurs.

The charts paint out what looks to be THREE full crazy spikes to the upside before finally ending a heck of a Bull Run.

This was true in the past, and it also looks like it is shaping up to be true yet again this year!


Where the heck do we currently stand, in all of this, if the Super Cycle does repeat to play out?

Is the Super Cycle already over?

How do we tell without feeling even more lost than we were prior to this video?

trevor balthrop trevorbalthrop cryptocurrency bitcoin financial fintech influencer advisor investor trader trading crypto signals

I flashed this graph earlier that looks kind of weird because I drew on it.

This is my personal prediction on where things stand with Bitcoin's Super Cycle and I used just your regular BTC/USDT chart from TradingView.

There is nothing special about this graph other than the fact that I drew what I believe are the 1st, 2nd, and upcoming 3rd spikes in the current Super Cycle!

By looking at this you could argue that the Super Cycle is over, yes that could be true.

And of course, we are all entitled to interpreting things however we choose.

But... however...

This all looks waaaaay too familiar to what was seen in the past.

Realistically for Bitcoin to actually repeat history and continue climbing.

It would need to do exactly what it has done in the past and go through about 5 or 6 months of building up.

Basically, what I am trying to say is that Bitcoin might take a nasty little fall for now but it's not going to be for long.

Although Bitcoin is scaring the pants off a lot of people right now we still have more than enough evidence that shows we are in a Bull Run.

Add this Super Cycle thing into the mix with a little bit of patience and in 6 months from now, people are going to wish they hadn't sold yet.

trevor balthrop trevorbalthrop cryptocurrency bitcoin financial fintech influencer advisor investor trader trading crypto signals

To rub things in a little bit more for you, I wanted to include Bitcoin's Historical Monthly Chart to give everyone another idea of where things currently stand.

As you can see by this chart, Bitcoin is most likely going to turn April into a Red month.

That would make April the first month in 6 months to have a Bitcoin price that dropped instead of rising.

Now, look at it this way!

Do you really think this Bull Run was only going to last 6 or 7 months?

Think again!

History will tell you that Bull Runs last much longer than that from anywhere between about 12 - 18 months depending on who we ask. 

I think it is safe to say we have been in a Bull Run for quite some time now!

Right now we are at about at least 6 months maybe at most 10 months into this whole Bull Run thing.

This means we still have plenty of time to ride out this wave.

So if you were thinking about selling, think again hodler!!! 

This rollercoaster ride is barely halfway done 😉

Thanks so much for watching and/or reading, I hope this helped & I hope everyone has a BEAUTIFUL day in Crypto!

As always!
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