Why hello there folks!
Banks! Yaaaay...
Bitcoin! Yaaaay!!!
This world has seen quite a lot of changes over the years. Especially within the last 5 years as we have been even more skeptical of Bitcoin and its future. Safely one could assume that for many of these years anyone who has ever slightly heard the word bitcoin have feared its downfall.
Even those that loved it would always warn each other of the risks and its potential road to becoming a thing no longer.
That has now changed.
The world can now confidently confirm with each other that "Yes" Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency are what the Global Economy needed.
No it is definitely not going away. This invention has solved a problem our ancestors have fought over for many tropical hot dog nights. Many of us have not even realized this yet as most of the world doesn't even know about Bitcoin.
This separation of Government and Banks was one of the first arguments that divided those that helped build the US Government in its infant days. Rome even faced these issues! UK Parliament and many other countries abroad that deal with a enormous range of different hardships still to this day. Hardships that we can't even begin to understand unless we have lived it ourselves. Back in those times and still here in these current times. We have had to choose one bad or the other, the lesser of three evils that best suits us.
Not anymore!
Before now, sure everyone knew that it was impossible to keep track of and manage everyones' income. Any practical human specimen can come to that conclusion if educated enough about the topic of money and currency exchange.
However, we all do certainly know for sure that we have to keep track of these things somehow. Otherwise, there is nothing to account for anything we trade. Then if it gets stolen, it is technically gone forever in our minds! Never to be recirculated ever again.
Thus then coming to the conclusion that we needed to at the very least, try, but we also had no clue there was not a decentralized way of doing this.
Facts have been looked into, sources can be checked, and the only answer to that question has arrived in the form of technology. Sure it took awhile! Sure it will take longer as people continue to resist. Except that it is now inevitable and this is now technology that we invented as a means to make life easier.
We adopted credit cards as a digital form of currency one day right? It will not be long before we have adopted this new breakthrough in living. Banks have finally met their match and the odds are not in banks favor.
The fact of the matter is if banks don't attempt to adapt and overcome this crypto-resistance we have experienced for so long now. They will soon find out they are not too big to fail, and they will slowly become tinier every year until they either adapt or decay away. This year of 2020 marks the year that starts to happen in the US more so than it has happened recently in China. Already we are beginning to see it and it is not even January!
Government worry is no more and that is now clear. This is because if governments don't adapt to this new currency then it will also hurt them the same exact way it already has been for years now. Anyone else hear the Central Bank and FED are creating their own blockchain currency? Not to mention, USD Coin has been getting pumped with cryptocurrency for quite a long time now. Government fear is now over!
This is the hush news right now though. This has transpired quietly over the course of the past 3 years This long battle governments like the US have fought for over 10 years is now coming to an end. They've just now gave in and realized it is time to adapt and transition into this new frontier.
Which only means if Banks don't get hold of these recent new events. It could likely be too late for many of them and we will soon see names like Coinbase or Binance being the new faces of our famous US Banking Industry chain-food exchanges. While places like Bank of America and Wells Fargo start to become less of a household name and more of a story from the past our grand kids will never believe. All while we sit around a campfire trading bitcoin to one another.
Respectfully so,
Trevor Balthrop