Vietnamese natural medicine

Museum of Vietnamese Traditional Medicine


This is a fascinating place. I spent a couple of hours there last year and I'm keen to go back. It's a 4 storey building jam packed full of amazing things - medical instruments, herbal medicines, apothecary, statues, pottery, paintings and much much more.

As you can see in the above photo, Cobra Wine (it's actually spirits but in Vietnam the word for wine and spirits is the same) is considered a medicine.

These are some terrifying looking surgical instruments. I think if I was being operated on by someone using these "tools of terror" I'd want to drink the whole bottle of Cobra Wine!

That's the biggest teapot I've ever seen!

I could post tons more photos, but I'll save it for another day. 


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A recent investor in Crypto Currency but have followed crypto for some years. IT background and keen photographer and healthy LCHF eating advocate. Australian living in Vietnam.

Travel Photography through MY eyes
Travel Photography through MY eyes

I have been a photographer since 1992, starting with film and migrating to digital in 2012. You can purchase a few photos or Donate a few dollars here: Https://

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