Brisbane Australia

Brisbane, Australia

Sunrise from Mt Gravatt, the highest spot in Brisbane.

Brisbane is a sprawling city. I remember when U was a teenager, Brisbane and Los Angeles were the 2 largest cities in the world on a per capita basis - Brisbane in those days had a population of about 1 million.

Today, even though modern building prefers high density housing, Brisbane is still a large city. Brisbane lies between the Gold Coast to the South and the Sunshine Coast to the north. These days it's pretty much difficult to know when the city finishes and the coast begins.

Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland, Australia. It's the 3rd largest city in Australia after Sydney and Melbourne.

As I've mentioned in previous posts on my hometown, Brisbane has really developed since 1988 when Brisbane hosted EXPO 88.

It's now a picturesque city, particularly at night.



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A recent investor in Crypto Currency but have followed crypto for some years. IT background and keen photographer and healthy LCHF eating advocate. Australian living in Vietnam.

Travel Photography through MY eyes
Travel Photography through MY eyes

I have been a photographer since 1992, starting with film and migrating to digital in 2012. You can purchase a few photos or Donate a few dollars here: Https://

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