Silver gold sales reflect inflation worries

Silver & Gold Sales Reflect Inflation Worries

It's truly shocking to see year over year price inflation across the board from January, 2021 to January, 2022. The numbers below are for the USA but I'm sure this is being felt all around the world. It's gotten so bad that the Federal Reserve is holding an emergency meeting on Monday. There are rumors of an impending emergency rate hike. We'll just have to see what move they make. Either way, get ready for inflation earthquakes.

Natural Gas is up 81%

Oil is up 66%

Agricultural Commodities up 24%

Rent up 13%

Used Cars up 44%

Hotels up 34%

Coffee up 92%

Gasoline up 36%

Cattle (beef)  up 20%

CPI (as of Thursday, November 9, 2021) 7.5%

As I mentioned in a recent article, ' Bitcoin and Bubble Gum', Bitcoin is acting like a mirror, showing the true value of currencies around the world and is eating up inflation. It's no secret that Bitcoin 'stole' the shine from gold (and silver), albeit I believe, temporarily. Gold and silver regained some strength by the end of this week and appear poised to 'absorb' inflation in the same fashion Bitcoin has. In other words, explosive absorption.

It's already showing via total sales of gold / silver bullion. 2021 was a great year for the U.S. Mint, posting the best y/o/y results in 12 years for gold coin sales. Sales for silver coins in January, 2022 surpassed 5,000,000 and was the best January for silver coin sales in 5 years. Yesterday, due 'rumors' of rising rates, gold shot upward to close at $1859 per ounce (courtesy while silver shot up almost 80 cents.

Spot Gold -

Inflation is at 42 year highs but I have information showing it's really the worst inflation we've seen since the end of WWII and it's only going to get worse as we move forward.

Silver shows even more promise as its spot price has been suppressed for over 40 years. I've discovered through my own research that silver, along with sugar are the two most suppressed commodities. The price of sugar stayed very low all this time but with rising gas prices / wages, expect sugar to go up in price. It is bulky and heavy to transport so expect sugar to take a big hit this year.

There has never been a more important time to preserve your wealth. Precious metals, along with Bitcoin and cryptos are the best way to circumvent rising inflation. The whole GoFundMe / GiveSendGo money fiasco going on in Canada and Ontario should be a wake up call to the masses that central bank control of our money is not in our best interests.

Consider investing in silver as part of your inflation busting portfolio. According to, the price of silver against the U.S. dollar should be $3,013 per ounce as a result of all the money creation since 1971. As of today, the spot price of silver is a measly $23.57 so that should tell you something as shown in the graph below (courtesy

Spot silver - courtesy

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Name's Joe and I live in Ontario, Canada. I like writing on a wide variety of topics. I enjoy keeping track of markets, investing and commodities and the crypto sector. Also do some coding for web browsers.

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