
40 Articles 0 Followers

Sleep with a Mini-EEG in Your Ear. Help Diagnose Alzheimers

10 Jun 2021 1 minute read 0 comments BlakeMolo

There is no need to paste a million leads all over your head and look like a multi-colored medusa.  If you have ever had an EEG the paste smells terrible and gets stuck in your hair.  It's just an awful experience. That's why I was pumped to see a st...

Why do we have weird dreams?

14 May 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Lukros76

Often times we dream of the weirdest stuff... it's rarely ever just a stroll in the park or a boring day at work. It's usually a bus full of bees, curtains made of wood and a murderous serial killer whos gimmick is to kill you by constantly untying y...

Sleeping with your smartphone is bad for your health and sleep quality!

17 Apr 2021 5 minute read 2 comments Arkemmus

Sleeping with your smartphone causes you to sleep worse and your sleep quality deteriorates.This is not only due to the blue light that your screen produces when you check your phone in the evening and at night, which prevents you from producing the...

Face Beauty Tips: 10 Ways to Brighten Up Your Looks for a Party or Vacation..

5 Apr 2021 4 minute read 2 comments Coyotaki

The face has long been synonymous with attractiveness and elegance. The first thing that comes to mind when we think of a beautiful man or woman is their face. As a result, every beauty routine will be incomplete without a detailed list of facial be...

5 Everyday Experiences that Improve Your Brain

2 Mar 2021 5 minute read 0 comments goldenagetimeline

Did you know that certain everyday activities can change your brain-mind system for good or bad? The brain-mind is a fascinating process that captures new data every day and helps you make better decisions. Thanks to advances in neuro-imaging, scient...

5 Everyday Experiences that Improve Your Brain

24 Feb 2021 5 minute read 0 comments goldenagetimeline

Did you know that certain everyday activities can change your brain-mind system for good or bad? The brain-mind is a fascinating process that captures new data every day and helps you make better decisions. Thanks to advances in neuro-imaging, scient...

4 Habits That Can Drain Your Energy (and What You Can Do About It)

23 Feb 2021 5 minute read 0 comments goldenagetimeline

Daily habits reveal a lot about your overall personality and success in life. While some habits enhance your life and improve well-being, others drain you completely.  Fortunately, examining and shifting your energy-draining habits to energizing ones...

Changed my sleeping patterns post COVID

13 Nov 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Bala

For the past 3 years, ever since I became a part of this Blockchain world, my sleep patterns have changed so much. The issue is not just sleeping late at night but also not getting enough sleep at night. I sometimes don't sleep enough or sometimes ov...

Wake up in the Future

17 Sep 2020 3 minute read 0 comments cMasta

One of the more interesting and subjectively alluring things about cryptocurrency is that the market never sleeps. Humans, on the other hand, are required by nature to sleep quite often, otherwise we die. Now it makes sense that crypto never sleeps b...

Solitare-y Sanity

28 Aug 2020 3 minute read 0 comments CC1370

Focusing on anything when one has anxiety can be a tricky thing. Add to that formula some neuro issues and a healthy dose of ADD and you have got yourself some interesting times going on! Now let’s go back to the word, “focus.” I have many problems f...