
37 Articles 1 Followers

Introduction to Prepping as a life style: Simple Life Hacks and Tricks for Everyday Life

7 Sep 2021 1 minute read 0 comments ddar1

Most people ask the question, Where do I start? I would honestly answer to anyone that asks this question this: What do you need most to survival? The simple answer is based on what you actually cant go without and for how long: ---------CHART-------...

The Next Level is here | Level Up?!

26 Aug 2021 4 minute read 0 comments Hermitworldwide

King's Course [eBook]  Everything is alright cool. Being on this platform, I have goals and intentions. The main intention of being on this platform was to get rid of my anxieties or at least ease the pains through writing. When I found that I can ac...

Much that is (Mis)attributed to Malice is Really the Result of Stupidity

13 Aug 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

"The world is full of madmen and we are among them." — Gavin Rossdale, frontman of Bush and Institute If anyone knows from which song that lyric comes, please let me know in the comments (especially if it's not an Institute track or on Distort Your...

Mind Mapping Tool

20 Jul 2021 1 minute read 1 comment Rehjun

Mind Mapping is a useful technique to map associations and beliefs around change. It’s done be jotting down your ideas on a paper and the good thing is that you don’t need to worry about the Order as it does not require another good aspect is that on...

Tips for Success

19 Jul 2021 1 minute read 1 comment Rehjun

Tips for Success   There are many information available on many platforms, social media and learning platforms for self-awareness and understanding and becoming change resilient. There are few tips, which may help us in getting better understanding...

Habit a Tool for development

19 Jul 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Rehjun

What we know as behavior is developed by the foundation called Habits. Things those are done regularly, daily or even sometime can be termed as reflexes which are pattern of consistently repeated actions or thoughts are Habits. Like waking up early o...

Information Technology is improving our communication skills (learn about)

5 May 2021 1 minute read 1 comment mgtheo

To start, my opinion for “Information Techology is improving our communication skills” is rather positive. For me the technology is an incredible advance for the communication, it allows to enrich intellectually and allows to open opportunities on to...

Income = Labor

18 Mar 2021 4 minute read 0 comments evgenima

LABOR Ecclesiastes 1:3  What profit has man of all his labor wherein he labors under the sun? Ecclesiastes 2:10 And whatsoever my eyes desired I did not keep from them; I did not withhold my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced because of all m...

Survival skills in the crypto-world- Making a farm BREAD for the people (Where $FARM is the secret password)

28 Feb 2021 2 minute read 4 comments Heruvim78

No, I will not talk about Bakeryswap, not even about Pancakeswap.  I am talking about making a proper farm bread. A real one! And some extra bits about Harvest finance after this.  The needed ingredients are: 1 kg flour, normal one 20 grams of salt...

What Skills to Master Next?

11 Aug 2020 3 minute read 3 comments RealSociology

Now I'm my late 40s, I'm looking to pick up a few new skills to take me through the next 40 years or so. Got to keep learning! I generally enjoy learning new skills, and there's plenty of skills I'd like to develop - to list just a few, and in no par...