great reset

15 Articles 0 Followers

Fight the Future

10 Sep 2021 1 minute read 1 comment TabbyTabby

"I have seen the future and it is murder." -- Leonard Cohen Why do we have to build back better? What is better? Take a look at what people are saying -- how everything must change. Why? Why must everything change, and what is this change? From AI ru...

00 - The Great Reset - The ABCs of Truth - The Science Hoax

26 Aug 2021 1 minute read 7 comments TheScholar

I beg you to leave everything you've learned throughout your life and took for granted aside while reading this blog. I'm not here to argue if I'm right or wrong. I'm here to tell you the truth, full stop. Forget about what they taught you in school....

Ursula von der Leyen and the EU coup

3 May 2021 7 minute read 0 comments TheQuieterOne

Guten abend!   Politico provides a good example here of the ways the media generally try to discourage people from pointing out the obvious when it comes to elite meetings of minds, such as the World Economic Forum in Davos. That profile of Ursula vo...

Discussing the so-called "Great Reset"

1 Dec 2020 1 minute read 3 comments Dennis76

Is the Great Reset under way? Are the world's Government and institutions using Covid as a cover to bring in a range of changes to procedures, currencies and economies? There seems to be more and more censorship online - through the likes of Facebook...

Cryptocurrency and an Election: A Countdown of Truth

2 Nov 2020 7 minute read 5 comments BitcoinGordon

Hello All, This is a letter from Gordon, your super hero of crypto-truth. November 3 is U.S. Election voting day. There are a lot of opinions to the left, to the right, and all of the wonderful misinformation from all sides and everywhere in between....