future economy

31 Articles 2 Followers

Robot, robot, give me ... uh-uh retirement

20 Jun 2023 4 minute read 1 comment Pluton

                                                                                                                                         / Translation, may be inaccurate. /      Among the many economic problems, the pension is one of the most importa...

KNEO ambitious new project

17 Jul 2020 1 minute read 0 comments AWANKASH

AI (Artificial Intelligence specialist Kneron announced the launch of KNEO platform this yesterday 16th of July. The idea of this project, in a nutshell, is to create digital assets out of personal data. This time you actually own your own data and c...

The Dragon Stirreth PRC

17 Jul 2020 4 minute read 1 comment Cryptopsycho21

Will China become the next world currency? The China-US trade war goes a lot deeper than the general public thinks.  It would seem as if it is all about the US trying to level the playing field for tariffs.  In fact, it is that it is about the PRC p...

My thoughts about currency- crypto and the future

14 Jul 2020 1 minute read 1 comment Krevasilis

G Hello my friends I write to you to share my personal thoughts about currencies and the future .It’s short the time I start read and give time to learn about what huge changes it’s happening to our world with cryptocurrency and stuff like blockchain...

Banks Don't Work - a Play in Two Acts

17 Jun 2020 4 minute read 0 comments RetroGeek

The following actually happened today... I drive to work this morning around 7:10am. I was already in a rush to get out the door because I had to run to the store for the wife. My habit of eating something in the morning (typically called break...

What to expect for Blockchain beyond 2020-2021 ?

16 Jun 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Pk24

Hello Community!!  Leaving back CoVid hopefully, it's time to consider what's next for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. Looking forward to more stable social situation, i would like to express some data and facts about the future which will help for th...

Economic Free Fall: The declining health of the economy

12 Jun 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Seaweed King

The year 2020 is still far from ending but people all over the world face much challenges and battles compared to issues recorded in the previous years of this generation. The presence of Covid-19 pandemic is undeniably challenging the world's compet...

How Could Economics Be Worked In The Intentional Community? What's The Role of Crypto?

12 Jun 2020 8 minute read 12 comments SkinnerCrypto

So, I have been thinking again. As you all know, that is a rather dangerous thing to do. BUT, I did it anyway. I think it is time to try and get into some of the specifics of the state of economics in the Intentional Community of the Future. Consider...

Building forward during/after Covid19

9 Jun 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Basalt

As covid-19 continues taking its toll on human populations, there have been efforts by governments to return to a normal state.   But is this wise? Should this be done? We've seen media reports of how the environment has recovered due to the lack of...

What is #DASH? … and why use it?

20 May 2020 2 minute read 1 comment Somker Basker

A cryptocurrency, a project, a vision, privacity… just a idea… Dash originally was created as a bitcoin-like project   In January 2014, Dash was born with a vision focused on the characteristics of transaction speed, ease and, above all, privacy, an...