
80 Articles 0 Followers

How the world works - what you need to know /short version

3 Mar 2021 2 minute read 5 comments cptn-puerto-rico

Richest, top positioned, famous people - so called Illuminati or the Family - kinda like a mafia = cares about their family first, like every other household on the planet, meaning if a neighbor is doing something scary they will put him down if he's...

Phase 2 COVID vaccination started in India

2 Mar 2021 1 minute read 1 comment Bala

A few months back COVID vaccination started in India and all the front line warriors who get exposed to COVID patients got their first round of vaccination. There were mixed feelings initially on that and fortunately everything went smooth. Some peop...

New variants of SARS-CoV-2

1 Feb 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Juan Molina

Source     Since human beings began to be infected by viruses, we also began to look for ways to counteract the undesirable effects of these infections.As a consequence of these protection mechanisms, the molecular structures of viruses began to muta...

Covid 19 Vaccination is finally ready and successful

27 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Bala

How is the COVID situation in your country or place? In India, the situation is getting better day by day. Recently the government-approved vaccines for COVID. The distribution has started already and the frontline fighters will first receive their v...

Mexican President Tests Positive for Covid-19

25 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments AverageVancouverite

Shortly after news emerged that Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador would be speaking to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday about obtaining doses of the Sputnik V Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine, the 67 year-old President Obrador annou...

Rh Negative Blood Group May Be Protective Against COVID-19 Infection

9 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Second Medical Opinions PLC

This post appeared here. The author is the same.   This article, demonstrates that Rh negative blood group is protective against COVID-19 infection compared to the Rh positive blood group. There is always talk about how protective are certain Rh typ...

My Free Speech and Opinion On - Covid-19, The BBC and Media, the British Government and NHS

9 Jan 2021 3 minute read 1 comment XTRM™

Look I am annoyed... I am very annoyed at the fact that I have to sacrifice a heck of a lot to travel out of The UK to see my girlfriend and kid. So I am going to say it as it is... Maybe you are not from the United Kingdom, however take a look aroun...

How to Evacuate Safely During COVID

6 Jan 2021 4 minute read 0 comments ellenblogs

Are you wondering how to evacuate safely during COVID? Evacuation during a pandemic is definitely a challenge. But by following a few of these tips, you can better make sure that your family is safe and protected. The pandemic is enough of a natural...

COVID and Flying in 2020

16 Dec 2020 2 minute read 7 comments Cje95

Since the start of this pandemic I have considerably cut down my movement because I was just trying to play it safe. This last Sunday I had to travel though due to moving in just a couple of weeks. I knew of course that airports and airlines had a to...

Governments spending money on silly things during COVID 19

15 Dec 2020 1 minute read 1 comment Dennis76

Governments around the world have placed ever heavier restrictions and limits on their citizens to restrict the spread of COVID-19. Some nations have gone into lockdowns, often multiple times. More often, they restrict public gatherings, stop interna...