Shark Tron A Great New Project

It has been so fun to find a project that looks like a great one to be a part of. This isn't a yield farming site but it kind of like that. It more like Tewkenaire. You have to Stake some TRX and yes they get a little bit of your Stake but you earn their SRX token. They have already made it so this token has a good uses case. I go over that so make sure to watch the video. I also have to say that they have a roadmap that could have this be one of the top projects on Tron soon.

I don't want to recap it all here but I hope you take the time to watch it and let me know if you see what I see in this.

They do have a Referral Link so if you want to help me use this.
My Link Thanks 

But if you don't want to do that then just go here.

If you want to check out BetFury that I also show them in the video.

The links help me out. As you can see I don't have enough subscribers yet to get anything from videos. But I still love to make them so they will continue but anyone that is using my links thanks a lot.

Other Links
New Site Tracking Farms:
Their Discord:

Sites I am farming
Sun Farming:
Dragon Farm:
Peahpool Finance:


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I am crypto fan. I post on Hive and Steem and now I am also here.

SteverR82 Blockchain Games and Projects
SteverR82 Blockchain Games and Projects

I am a fan of Blockchain Games as they allow users to own the items. As the projects grow some of them are going to let items be moved from one game to another. It is setting the stage for finding a great weapon that can move with you from game to game. Or finding an item that will pay for you to start up in a new game. I am also a fan of any Blockchain Project that is looking to take power away from centralized platforms that take advantage of their customers. Like Celsius and

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