How to Download and Use a Monero Wallet (In less than 5 minutes)

By B. Em | Stack of Sticks | 22 May 2023

Ever wondered what is the Anti-CBDC? Most likely its privacy coins, this is why I want to show you how you can use them. People may be intimidated and may think that privacy coins are hard to use/ too complicated or they may be concerned about the fee's. Well in this video I touch on all those subjects, and we do it in less than 5 minutes.

There are way more privacy coins similar to Monero such as Zcash and Dash. The best way to be in control of your finances is to be your own bank. Cash is not decentralized and gets devalued as time goes on. Possible option are precious metals, land, livestock, and decentralized currencies.

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B. Em
B. Em

Believer of freedom

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