Splinterlands - Face First!

Splinterlands - Face First!

As a nerd to my core I've spent thousands of hours just sitting around tables covered in cards and dice, surrounded by friends, having some of the best times in my life. Somewhere along the way trading card games seems to have lost their way in the pursuit of selling ever more packs. And we kept playing for our love of the games. Splinterlands claims to want to change that through the use of blockchain technology to give back players control of their cards and choices. But, is it fun? What else matters?

State of the Games - Splinterlands! Personal Play2Earn report from M3ss

14 Mar 2022 2 minute read 0 comments m3ss

Friends, it's been a while. I started a new job late last year at an exchange and it's been requiring a lot of time and attention. While I've not had the time to write articles as often as I'd like I've still been clicking along, doing all I can to k...

Splintertalk gets NFTs and I NEED THEM! This changes everything!! +My First SPT Post!

7 Sep 2021 1 minute read 0 comments m3ss

One of the main things that makes following emergent projects that are not yet completes is that you get to be there as they come together. Today it feels like one of those massive pieces just slid into place in the larger Splinterlands ecosystem. S...

The Storm Before The Storm: The Biggest Change Coming to the Splinterlands no one is talking about.

7 Sep 2021 3 minute read 0 comments m3ss

With all of the massive updates coming to the Splinterlands it's easy to miss that we are still in the very early days of what is one of the most exciting projects cryptocurrency has produced yet. As the months go by there are more and more thin...

Just over 3 hours left until the first ever The Crypto-Gaming Guild Splinterlands tournament and just over 20 slots are left!

6 Sep 2021 1 minute read 0 comments m3ss

Just over 3 hours left until the first ever The Crypto-Gaming Guild Splinterlands tournament and just over 20 slots are left. If you are looking to play in the event and have not yet paid your entry fee act fast! The CryptoGaming Guild is Recruiting...

[SPLINTERLANDS] My first ever Gladius Pack opening! HUGE GOLDFOIL SCORE! with +1000 satoshi giveaway!!

6 Sep 2021 1 minute read 0 comments m3ss

I'm constantly impressed by how steady and often Splinterlands is updating and adding major features. Even as a very active daily player it's easy to miss major changes in this amazing game. Thankfully I did pretty well in this last Guild Brawl and...

MAX POWER FOR YOUR DEC: Inexpensive Splinterlands cards that are being undervalued - New Player Guide AND CARD GIVEAWAY!

30 Aug 2021 4 minute read 5 comments m3ss

There are a variety of major opportunities all over the Splinterlands if you know where to look and, my lovely guildmates, today I'm here to help you build your own treasure map. New cards are coming soon. This is going to shake up the market and, i...

Age of the Locust: Why Splinterlands NOT being a FREE LUNCH is a GOOD THING! + 1000 Satoshi giveaway

24 Aug 2021 4 minute read 0 comments m3ss

Splinterlands has reached a level of success that has thousands of new accounts signing up every day. Who are these new players? What are their goals? What are they doing to reach those goals? And will they be here for the long run? All of these que...

Scorecard #3 - Splinterlands VS Everybody

23 Aug 2021 6 minute read 0 comments m3ss

These days the Play2Earn scene is feeling a bit like 'Splinterlands VS Everybody'. It's not that Splinterlands is trying to pick any fights with the other games in the scene, this is just one of those Superstar moments where something is so dominant...


21 Aug 2021 1 minute read 0 comments m3ss

RULESET: Strategy: When the earth quakes you need to fly. It's a very simple strategy and for my roughly 6 months in the Splinterlands it's served me well. When there is a battle of life and death in front of you it can be best to not overcomplicate...

[Opinion] Splinterlands: Why I'm really excited that I cant play my favorite game this weekend.

15 Aug 2021 3 minute read 0 comments m3ss

Well, here we are. It's the final day of the current Splinterlands season, the game is offline, and I'm still sitting here grinning. How? Why? Let me explain. I'm gonna start at the beginning and move quickly. I love trading cards games. I played Ma...