Forza Horizon 4 Gameplay 06-03

By Solominer | Solominer | 3 Jun 2020


I head off towards the Great Ridge. A stunt location where the more distance traveled in the air the more points I get.

I start following the directed path but quickly cut through some farm land on my way to the location. Its winter time so the roads are pretty slippery and I crash a few times. Still getting used to snow driving, I think this is the first game that thats come into play for me.

I challenge a car on my way to the location and quickly make alot of distance on it and its not much for a race. Seems the challenges on the streets are usually slower than me.

I get distracted and head to a different race location after my challenge. Discovering a new area while on my way to that location. I challenge a Z4 M Couple and crash into a car head on. I forget the side of the road is different than what im used to in the US. Messes me with alot in this game and have to adjust. I hear GTA messes with people that play in the UK so I guess its only fair. The Z4 catches up to me and I find myself losing this head to head after crashing a second time.. hah

I switch to an offroad vehicle and get off to the next race. Getting tired of the Audi TT in the snow and all.

Though the UTV I picked is way quicker and I find myself having hard time controlling it. I start the race with the UTV and the race really kicked my ass. Picking such a quick vehicle put me up against other quick vehicles.

Some how I find myself near first place and trying to pass the final car. I try to pass numerous times and eventually making a successful pass. I abuse the rewind feature alot.. haha

Then for the last lap I have to keep a lead and that vehicle put me through my paces for sure. Almost crashing at the finish line lol I think ill stick to a different vehicle.

LBRY Video Link


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