SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! SPIRIT HOARDER. The Legendary Healer

By SoBahd | SoBahd Splinterlands Blog | 4 Mar 2023


Battle Link:

************* Epic Battle --> *************

Splinterlands fight 2.gif

Splinterlands is a collectible card game built on the Hive blockchain. Here you can trade, buy, rent or sell digital assets to gain Krypto or Nft rewards. Its a trading card game with a lot of different options and ways to use your Cards :)

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°Chaos Legion edition

°Rarity=> Legendary

°splinter=> Neutral

°Mana cost=> 3

°Life points=> 3

°Speed=> 1

°Magic attack=> 1

°Basic Ability=> Triage

This are the Stats for higher Level Cards:


My Lineup:


1. The Tank


I really like Hill Giant as a frontline Tank. In combination with some armor from Queen Mycelia he can easy tank some hits. I would get him at least to level 3, because at level 3 he got 2 Mele damage and 7 lifepoints. You just need 14 cards and its below 1 Dollar! For 3 Mana a really nice Tank to revive some hits.
If you think the enemy will play a magic team, i would preffer the Unicorn Mustang because of the Void Skill. The Unicorn Mustang can be good even at level 1!



2. The Backline



Goblin Psychic is a really nice damage Dealer and Healer for the backline. I would always set him in position 3 or 4 of your lineup. This way he can stay alive long enough to get out some damage, and heal your tank at the same time. Look at the battlelink at the top of this post. He was a gamechanger in this fight! I would get him at least to level 4 to get the Antiheal ability. Hes even better at level 7 because he will get the silence ability and weaken the enemy magic attack!


3. Just Damage!

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These guys are all good options for you backline to get some damage. I would use the higher health ones linke Regal Peryton and Magi of Chaos in the second or 3rd position of you lineup to get a bit more sustain to your team. With this guys you can do a lot of magic Damage. Chose the ones that fit into your mana ruleset.


4. More Defense!



This card is absoulute necessary if you are using the green earth Splinter deck. If you think that the enemy will play some mele Cards. Every monster of your team gets +2 Armor! Thats really nice if youre playing against Water or Fire Splinter. The magic attack cards of the Earth Splinter can do a lot of damage but they are slow. So you have to let them sustain the first round without losing monsters. Queen Mycelia will help you a lot with that. Its enough to have a level 1 card. A level 3 card is even better with the triage skill.



5. Last Position = Taunt!


In the last place of your lineup i would use a Monster with the Taunt ability. I am using MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN as my Taunt backline Tank. I would get him to at least level 4. He will get the forcefield ability and this will lower the damage from high mana cards.


This way split the damage on your tank and on your second taunt tank. The Goblin Psychic can heal the frontline tank while Spirit Hoarder and maybe even Queen Micelia can heal your backline tank with taunt ability.




In combination with a Backline Tank with Taunt or against some sneak monsters this card can be a real game changer. But you need a strong tank on the last place. If your monster in the last position dies before if can recive the heal (SPIRIT HOARDER just got 1 Speed and will heal at the end of the round) your tactic wont work.


Did my strategy work? What will I try differently next time?

My strategy worked perfectly. The frontline tank did not die and my Taunt backline Tank revived too. The other damage mosnters did enough damage to kill the enemy monsters before they can kill mine. Next time i will try to use Queen Mycelia in battle. If the enemy plays mele attack monsters she could keep my other monsters allive.

Do I like SPIRIT HOARDER? Why or why not?

I really like this card. In combination with a strong tank in the last position SPIRIT HOARDER is really nice. For 3 mana its a really strong monster. Anyway if you do not have a strong backline tank, this card can be really weak. If the enemy just trys to kill the monster in your first position you have a 3 Mana card with low speed and health. The healing ability will not have any usecase in this moment.

I like this card if the ruleset allows you to play a good combination around this card!


Now feel free to test this Tactics! I would really love an Upvote


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Hey, im 26 years old and i am Investing in Krypto, Stocks and NFT Games.

SoBahd Splinterlands Blog
SoBahd Splinterlands Blog

Hey, im 26 years old and i am Investing in Krypto, Stocks P2P and NFT Games. Im playing Splinterlands more than a year now and im really excited for the future of this game!

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