How To Get a Free Coffee at Waitrose?

By Jmehta87 | Save and Make Money | 21 Dec 2022

These days, we receive very little for free. Finding ways to cut costs and score a freebie is probably more crucial than ever with living expenses increasing. You might recall that Waitrose used to offer a complimentary hot beverage every day a couple of years ago. For people who travel or perhaps work close to a grocery, this was ideal. Well, complimentary coffee at Waitrose is back after two years without it. Let's look at several ways to get a great beverage for nothing.

Customers will be able to get a free Americano, latte, cappuccino, or tea once every day when they make a purchase, the grocer announced.

Only myWaitrose cardholders are eligible for the free coffee, and all you need to do to get it is make a purchase. There is no set minimum that you must spend, so you are free to purchase a pack of gum or bring something from home that you know you will need that night. It's a terrific deal to make a small purchase at Waitrose and receive a free coffee. One that serves as a frequent pick-me-up or treat that we could all use right now.

After completing your purchase, you must swipe or scan your myWaitrose card at the self-serve drinks machine in order to receive your complimentary hot beverage. Simply scan the barcode associated with your account in the app if you use the app. Please remember to bring your own reusable cup. This promotes sustainability. If you forget, you'll have to spend about £4 in the store to purchase one.

I believe it's fantastic that Waitrose is once again offering complimentary coffee. The programme was always well-liked, and it's a terrific concept to entice customers back into stores by offering them a free beverage with any purchase. Find the location of the closest Waitrose to your house or place of employment and be sure to download the app to make things even simpler. When I need a hot beverage during the winter, I'll make sure that my travels put me close to a Waitrose store.

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