Sunday longish run

Not too early Sunday morning run. The goal was to run around 16 kilometers at a marathon pace. That was in theory. In real life I was more than satisfied being on feet over two hours.

I didn't feel nor want to over stress myself. Call it Sunday's laziness if you wish. So I took mostly flat roads with various surfaces to keep it interesting.

There was asphalt, forest gravel road, muddy field road, forest trail, a bit of everything. It was cold with sun being able to thaw icy ground and turn it to mud.

Forest road

Muddy field road with some droppings to richen it

Ice covered rocks on gravel road

Back in civilization where riverbeds are under control as they should be

Lovely forest road, it looks more autumnal than winterly

Forest trail, autumn mood again

It was a lovely run and hike on sunny and cold winter day.

better and better
:ervin :lemark

#2025 17/365

@ervin-lemark just finished a 17.75km run, that lasted for 133 minutes.
This run helped ervin-lemark burn 1089.0 calories.

Description from Strava: 209 Training Load
-- from COROS

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Recreational runner who loves the great outdoors. The longer the run/hive the better :)


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Husband, father, dog person, recreational runner, loves to travel, IT pro. Fascinated by old and new, from Oracle to blockchain and everything in between.

Running Adventures of a Streak Runner
Running Adventures of a Streak Runner

What is a 'streak runner', you might ask? It is a person who runs every day. In my case, two miles is a minimum. I've been doing this stunt for 502 days already, since July the 3rd 2019. On that fine day, I decided it's better to run every day and be happy than to run occasionally and be grumpy. YOu are welcome to follow me and my runs. Every day if you wish :)

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