local legend status regained

It is silly and childish but I like and wish to remain childish so here it goes ... local legend.

it's a concept invented by Strava marketing and gamification masters.

Segment is a track from point A to point B which has its own statistics, leaderboards, whatnots. Gamification, I tell you.

Local legend is the person who has run a particular segment most times in last 90 days.

Of course, making this concept social attention enabled includes sending emails when somebody gains local legend status. Equally, mail informs you when you loose this status. Even if you don't know about the segment in question and don't care about it.

So, this evening, before I went out for a run, mail came from Strava. I lost local legend status of a segment I wasn't aware of. I didn't know that I ran it most times lately. Who cares about 200 meters of asphalt up some side road?

Yet, it was a challenge. Exactly what masterminds behind these gamification stunts have in store for you. So, I took the shortest way to start point, ran uphill on this segment two times, regained my legend status. Hoorah. Stupid? Silly? Whatever!

It was an excuse for a run with some uphill sprints for me. It was welcome since it's cold with wind making it even colder and it presented the opportunity to warm up during the run.

Besides, the latest Coros watch firmware update supports Strava segments. The watch can inform you when the segment start point is nearby and measures your segment progress. Another gamification which I find interesting. There is room for improvement but that's another story.

Ps: @worldmappin pin marks start of the segment. Very important!

better and better
:ervin :lemark

#2025 18/365

@ervin-lemark just finished a 4.24km run, that lasted for 26 minutes.
This run helped ervin-lemark burn 260.0 calories.

Description from Strava: 71 Training Load
-- from COROS

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Recreational runner who loves the great outdoors. The longer the run/hive the better :)


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Husband, father, dog person, recreational runner, loves to travel, IT pro. Fascinated by old and new, from Oracle to blockchain and everything in between.

Running Adventures of a Streak Runner
Running Adventures of a Streak Runner

What is a 'streak runner', you might ask? It is a person who runs every day. In my case, two miles is a minimum. I've been doing this stunt for 502 days already, since July the 3rd 2019. On that fine day, I decided it's better to run every day and be happy than to run occasionally and be grumpy. YOu are welcome to follow me and my runs. Every day if you wish :)

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