RekTimes Archive
RekTimes Archive

RekTimes Archive

Archive of RekTimes content

This is NOT the End of the Bitcoin Bull Market

18 May 2021 2 minute read 20 comments Zacharias

Recent speculation and rising bearish sentiment has brought on the possibility that the Bitcoin bull market is coming to an end and the all time high will remain at the $64,800 USD mark reached back in April.  Based on historical analysis and using d...

Ethereum 2.0: The Future of the Ethereum Network

18 May 2021 2 minute read 7 comments Zacharias

Ethereum in currently the queen of the cryptocurrency world, second only to Bitcoin in total market cap.  With an ever-growing market share of the cryptocurrency space, Ethereum has taken its place as the most dominant modern cryptocurrency network,...

Cardano EXPLODES During Crypto Sell-Off | CTWU (Volume 1.1)

16 May 2021 3 minute read 14 comments Zacharias

Crypto.Think Weekly Update (16 May 2021):  Despite a massive sell-off of cryptocurrencies, currently estimated around $300 billion USD of the cryptocurrency market cap, Cardano has continued to obliterate the rest of the market, moving up a parabolic...

The TRUE Environmental Impact of Bitcoin VS the USD

13 May 2021 4 minute read 21 comments Zacharias

As much of the world knows that follows cryptocurrencies, yesterday evening Elon Musk sent out a statement on behalf of his company Tesla that the company will not be accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment anymore due to the environmental costs assoc...

Chainlink 2.0: The Future of Decentralized Oracle Networks

6 May 2021 2 minute read 4 comments Zacharias

Chainlink recently released a new whitepaper that demonstrates the future goals and expectations of the oracle platform moving forward.  These expectations include a promising evolution of hybrid smart contracts with the goal of expanding decentraliz...

Cardano (ADA) and Africa: Developing a Continent

6 May 2021 2 minute read 9 comments Zacharias

Cardano (ADA) recently announced a major development goal of providing blockchain technology and access for the continent of Africa.  Cardano aims to "bank Africa" through decentralized finance and, more specifically, the Cardano network. Background...

Why FORTH "Disappointingly" Did Not Rise on May 4th

5 May 2021 2 minute read 16 comments Zacharias

There should be no surprise FORTH, Amplforth's governance token did not pump as many expected it to on May 4th for Star Wars Day.  Speculation arose on Twitter that some news would come out on May 4th that would help push the FORTH token much higher...

How Amplforth Could be a Better Bitcoin

4 May 2021 2 minute read 1 comment Zacharias

Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto changed the world forever with the cryptocurrency's launch back in 2008.  Since then, an explosion of new cryptocurrencies has arisen in the same space to either complement Bitcoin, compete with it, or replace it entirely...