Don't Force It, Sometimes.

By Olawalium | Olawalium | 22 Dec 2021


We all want answers and God knows there are still many things I haven't found answers to yet. We go through life seeking answers and we go out of our ways to do that most of the time. We want answers at all costs and someone once said that if you want an answer be very sure you really want to know because some truths are hard to handle.

Life is full of drama just as life is filled with so many unanswered questions. We have things we need to sort out, we are in so many conflicting situations that require urgent attention. The thing about life is, we need to learn when to apply pressure and when to let things go. We need the wisdom to let go of the things we cannot change.

Most of the time, in our search for answers we expend ourselves, we push ourselves and then hurt ourselves in the end. We start looking for things we shouldn't and then end up regretting why we didn't just sit things out. There are some things we should push for and some others we don't have to sweat it.

I still have questions as to why my late sister passed away at such a tender age. She hadn't done anything in life neither can we attribute anything to what she did wrong. She was just 14, still in secondary school and with a bright smile. Super smart, she was and super calm too. Haven't seen anyone that calm, composed and gentle. There is a difference between quietness and gentleness and she is the only one I know with both qualities. It's has been such a long time but where I am, I still have questions but I won't sweat it because it doesn't make much sense after all.

It's okay to have questions but life has this way of giving us the answer we seek when we are not even looking and often times we just might never know and find the answer. Life can keep them from us and sometimes the answers get revealed in parts.

Issues would always weigh us down and that is being human. Nothing in life is ever easy so we have to learn how to pick out battles because they don't get easier. Each problem you overcome would expose you to even more problems to come. Sometimes we have to study the pattern in life and be observant because that's the only way we can know the things worth pushing for and the things we should let go of.

The truth is, some of the things we worry about are not worth it. They don't worth the stress and we would soon know in hindsight that they are not as bad as we first imagined. Have you taken a step back to analyze a situation and then wonder why you were worried in the first place? We just need to have a rethink and then re-evaluate what life is really all about. It's okay to have questions but we need to learn which battle is worth fighting for.

When situations hit you deeply... Deeper to your core, sometimes we just have to learn to breathe first and maintain that inner peace. It is never as easy as it sounds but for the sake of gaining clarity and maintaining sanity, we have to try. It's not always about seeking answers sometimes but about staying alive. It has happened to me many times that the moment I stopped bothering myself about certain things that was when the answers came to me. I was able to connect the dots and everything became crystal clear.

It doesn't mean we are not bothered or we care less, of course, our desires would still be playing at the back of our mind and that's what makes it easier for us to connect the dots.

Stop stressing too much and stop getting all worked up because the answers you seek would come and maybe not, and if they didn't, don't stop living. Love will find you, you will gain that foothold, you will have that family but never stop working towards it. Your answers would come knocking but don't stop being at peace with yourself and understand that some things require us to let go before they come into the light.

Archimedes was disturbed about the answer he was hoping for. He was told by King Hierro to uncover a particular plot when the king was told gold was used for his crown but it was silver they used instead. He was to prove to the king this plot and it was playing on his mind every time. He spent himself and still nothing came out. He decided to take it easy with himself but his mind was still on it. The answer didn't come to him until he was at ease with himself and that was how the word "Eureka" came about which means "I have found it."

Sometimes we need to maintain our inner peace before the solution we seek would appear. Life has its funny way and how do you explain getting answers when you are not even looking and then meet brick walls when you are seeking it? When we are too preoccupied sometimes, we miss the tiny details which is why we need to learn when to push and when to ease up but our desire to get the best, seek the best and to know, should and must be unwavering.

This post also appeared here and it's my original work on my blog on [Read.Cash]( 

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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Writer. Motivational speaker. Farmer. Relationship coach. God lover.


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