Splinterlands - #TPG Challenge: Dominion, chapter two.

By NoZem | Nozem01 Splinterlands | 1 Nov 2024

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Hey everyone! It's time for another @thepeoplesguild challenge, or, better know as TPGChallenge!
And again it's not an easy one and definitely NOT in my comfort zone, over time I got better at blogging but designing cards and work with images this way is on another level and pretty damn hard for an amateur I have to say, BUT I think I learned a thing or two already and I'm quite happy with the result, not to mention it was FUN to do so, I've been battling most of the morning, grinding some extra glint just before the end of this season, at this time 59 minutes left until it ends so it was a welcome change!

In my first dominion post I made a new ability for every splinter, for part two we have a new challenge:

Part 2 Challenge Overview
Your task is to design three unique Dominion cards:
2 Common cards
1 Legendary card
No overlapping splinters: Each card should represent a different splinter, showcasing the diversity of the Dominion set.
Integrate the new abilities from Part 1: Make use of the element-specific abilities crafted in the previous challenge (if you did not participate in Part 1, don't worry! Choose your favorite abilities from the community's submissions and use them in your own card designs!).

To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, check out the original post here.

So, without further ado, let's go!



Common Dominion Card 1: "Aqua Sentinel"

Element: Water

Mana Cost: 4

Stats: 2 Magic Attack / 1 Speed / 6 Health

Ability: Tidal Wave – After the Aqua Sentinel takes damage, all enemy monsters lose -1 speed on the next round, representing the overwhelming power of crashing waves, slowing enemies down to a crawl.


Aqua Sentinel.jpg





Common Dominion Card 2: "Ember Guardian"

Element: Fire

Mana Cost: 5

Stats: 3 Melee Attack / 2 Speed / 5 Health

Ability: Reach / Searing Strike: When an ally is killed, all remaining allied monsters gain +1 melee attack and receive a burst of extra speed for 1 round, symbolizing a rage-filled retaliation.


Ember Guardian.jpg





Legendary Dominion Card 1: "Celestial Drake"

Element: Dragon

Mana Cost: 9

Stats: 3 Magic Attack / 3 Speed / 8 Health

Abilities: Flying / Ascendance – When Celestial Drake kills an enemy monster, the entire team gains +1 to their attack stat (any type) for 1 round, symbolizing the empowering leadership and command of Dragons that lifts the entire team to dominance.


Celestial Drake.jpg



Thanks for all the work @thepeoplesguild, both with making the podcasts and also these challenges, it helps in a big way getting more attention to our game and is yet another way to be active with splinterlands!



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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Crypto fan and BTC HODLer from The Netherlands

Nozem01 Splinterlands
Nozem01 Splinterlands

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